Battletech Vengeance thumbnail (type 3)

Factions of Battletech Vengeance is the repository of all the factions in the Vengeance timeline for Battletech.

Factions of the Inner Sphere

The disparate groups within the Inner Sphere are still at odds with one another, often coming to blows and not ready to “settle down”, even with a new Star League around. Even one of the Clan is not ready to help the others out…

New Star League

The New Star League (or Third Star League or Star League IIC) is the central alliance of various Clans surrounding Clan Wolf after their conquest of Terra. While the alliance is tenuous, Alaric Ward and his close allies have decided to play both military and diplomacy as a mean of keeping their realm together, and potentially forming a union in the Inner Sphere for a tentative peace.

Wolverine Union

Whatever remained of the Rim Worlds Republic ran off to the far end of the deep periphery when Stefan Amaris was deposed as Emperor of Terra. The entire Amaris bloodline is now cursed with a genetic disease created by their mortal enemy, Alexandr Kerensky. As the vowed revenge as the first Amaris heir died of the Curse of Kerensky, the remains of Clan Wolverine ran off in the same direction, and the two joined, with a common idea: to topple the Inner Sphere, to crush the Clans and have their rightful revenge.

The Wolverines, Clan Wolverine

Over the years, the Union also invited anyone who was discouraged with their lives, malcontents and terrorists. They then used the same people as infiltrators in the Inner Sphere to topple the siege of power and make sure nobody got the upper hand. When the War of Reaving and other trouble in Clan space happened, the Wolverines and their agents also dragged the remains of the fallen Clans to form a new group of warriors that were also driven by a desire for revenge.

Factions of the Periphery and Deep Periphery

The Periphery has always been seen as the lawless part of human controlled space, but things have changed over the years. Some of the minor powers now have gotten larger than ever before, while others are joining together into larger alliances to have some negotiating power with the New Star League. Some of the powers are getting embroiled in wars with each other and with the Inner Sphere, while others simply get dragged in the net of the Wolverine Union…

Rimward Alliance

Homeworld Clans

  • Clan Coyote
  • Clan Star Adder
  • Clan Cloud Cobra
  • Clan Stone Lion

Corporate Alliance

Quikscell Speciality Manufacturing, Corporate Alliance

Wolverine Union Affiliated Corporations

Map of the Inner Sphere circa 3151 (sarna)

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