Also known asMolly Walsh
Asuka Karosas
AffiliationHouse Karosas
Aurigan Trade Alliance
RankCountess of Smithon
ParentsKyle Walsh (Adoptive Father)
Jenny Walsh (Adoptive mother)
Molly Karosas, post-selection Trial

Molly Karosas is one of the best representation of the Aurigan Youth Prosperity Program, or as it usually is called by Clan Sea Fox, the Aurigan Eugenics program. While a trueborn Mechwarrior (technically), she was raised and educated on Panzyr, with her adoptive parents receiving a generous stipend for her. Her parents not being able to conceive through natural means meant they were ideal candidates for the program.

Molly Karosas grew up in a fairly loving, working-class family before she joined the Panzyr military academy on a scholarship based on her performance. She tested easily into the mechwarrior program and trained heavily on the Flying Badger and Bullfighter. After graduating, she served in the Panzyr Home Guard.

Death in the Family

As any member of the AYPP of adult age, Molly Karosas was called up to participate in the selection of the next head of House Karosas. Lord Honors Karosas died fighting a pirate unit in 3147, with his freeborn son, Matsuchi Karosas, was favorite to ascend to the title. Following Aurigan rules of sucession post-3100, however, a trial was scheduled for all 50 members of the Karosas family to particapte in.

While not really knowing what she had gotten herself into, Molly Karosas made friend with a number of the other candidates and built herself a form of “coalition” where each of the members partipated to improve the chances of each other. Her skills at alliance building is what drew the Trial Master to recognize her as a suitable candidate, with the final challenge for her to fight in a ‘mech duel against Matsuchi Karosas. Piloting a refurbished Guillotine, she managed to best Matsuchi’s Rifleman IIC after taking a clean hit to her ‘mech’s head, leaving her with a burn on her forehead.

Early Political Career

Molly Karosas might have been good at building alliances, but when she hit the political circuit of the Aurigan Trade Alliance, she was not prepared. Her limited knowledge of Smithon also led her to not understand some of the local customs. Thankfully, she did keep other members of the Karosas bloodline close-by and even Matsuchi Karosas assisted her. Her track record in voting in the Aurigan Council of Lords and Ladies is rather simple, generally following the “larger” voting blocks led by House Madeiras or Arano while also trying to have her constituents benefit.

War of the Reaches

As the War of the Reaches started, Molly Karosas made sure the Karosas’s Yamabushi were ready for service, even though the 1st and 3rd were in training exercises in Taurian space at the begining of the conflict. Acting as commander of the 2nd Sword of the Cormorant, Molly Karosas defended Smithon against a Liao raid disguised as a Froncian force.

When Khan Mori Hawker of Clan Sea Fox requested to take control of the Alliance forces after the Fox joined the fight against the Fronc Reaches, Molly Karosas was selected to fight the Trial between the Fox and House Arano. While not the best MechWarrior on site, the younger woman had already been reported to Khan Hawker as a competent individual. This eased the decision of allowing the trial, which Molly won thanks to her now fully customized machine.

Molly Karosas further served in the Aurigan military throughout the conflict with distinction, again with the assistance of other members of the Karosas bloodline.


Earlier in her career, Molly Karosas piloted a Flying Badger. As commander of the 2nd Sword of the Cormorant, she pilots a customized Guillotine (record sheet link).