Born: 1 July 2997

Affiliation: House Kurita, Star League

Position: Gunji-No-Kanrei, First Lord of the Star League

Profession: Military commander

Spouse: Tomoe Sakade

Children: Franklin (illegitimate), Hohiro, Omiko, Minoru

Theodore Kurita is one of the greatest military minds in the Inner Sphere, trust into a position he never expected. Elected First Lord of the Star League for a 5 year term in 3048 by machinations of Hanse Davion (who planned for his son Victor to be named First Lord after Theodore’s 5 year term), Theodore restructured a new Star League and Star League defense force thanks to mercenary units which were at odds with each other due to the Mercenary Wars. He also got the agreement from Anastasius Focht that the ComGuard would serve under the new SLDF banner.

This whole operation was quickly put to the test as Operation REVIVAL began, where Theodore had to coordinate the defense of 3 nations. Luckily for him, he had the full support of the Rasalhague Republic and actually had won the trust of Hanse Davion, allowing him to limit the damage done on the Inner Sphere by the invaders.

Theodore’s tenure as First lord ends with him returning to Luthien and taking back his role as Gunji-No-Kanrei, but the unified forces of the Clans under Clan Jade Falcon strike Luthien, of which he orchestrates the defense, but still ends with the death of his father Takashi. Theodore ascends to the throne of the Draconis Combine, pledging his support to the Star League and granting new holdings to Clan Nova Cat, which he welcomes with open arms.

Theodore Kurita was first amongst peers to rebuff Jaime Wolf’s attempt to help the Inner Sphere against the Clans, cleanly telling him his actions were traitorous to both the Inner Sphere and Star League. Jaime Wolf was deposed as leader of the Wolf’s Dragoon after his son Mackenzie was killed by Phelan Kell, and Theodore forced integrated the Dragoons in the SLDF with Sun-Tzu Liao as their new leader.