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4th Succession War

Liao – Davion Front

  • McCarron Armored Cavalry stops the attack on the Sarna HPG by the disguised ComGuard, preventing the Interdiction of House Davion by ComStar and forcing ROM to both pay reparations to the Capellan Confederation, while Myndo Waterly was disgraced and ejected of the first circuit as the “fall gal”.
  • Without an Interdiction, the deep inserted agents within Maskirovka keep up their work and undermine the defense of the Liao state, leading to further collapse of the Capellan Confederation.
  • Hanse Davion, Ardan Sortek and Morgan Hasek-Davion land on Sian with 3 regiment of battlemechs as the Sian defense forces are crippled by their usage of the fake triple strength myomer.
  • Maximilian Liao is confined to a palace with his private servants and a Davion guard, Romano Liao flees with her paramour to the Draconis Combine.
  • Candace Liao is granted control over the St.Ives Commonality as part of her agreement with the Federated Suns, Tormano Liao is given control over the new Federated Sun province of Free Capella.

Steiner – Kurita Front

  • With the collapse of the Capellan Confederation, House Kurita quickly acquiesced to the liberation of the Free Rasalhague Republic to limit the actual “victories” by House Steiner.
  • This leads to a lot of frustration by Lyran commanders and nobles, which start the Liberator War in the Rasalhague territory.
  • With the financial and military support of the Draconis Combine and ComStar, the Free Rasalhague Republic is formed after pushing out rogue Lyran elements from their territory.
  • Archon Katrina Steiner puts additional pressure on the rogue elements of her nation and starts a massive campaign in regards to integration in the Federated Suns and recognition of new “minor powers” like the Rasalhague Republic, the St.Ives Compact and the Duchy of Andurien.

Marik Front

  • While the Free Worlds League lost only a few world to the Lyran Commonwealth, they are still crippled by the Duchy of Andurien declaring independence.
  • The War of Andurien Independence becomes increasingly difficult with the financial and military support to the rebels from the Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Suns and Magistracy of Canopus.
  • This further “shrinks” the territory of the Free Capellan province of the Federated Suns, angering Tormano Liao, who gets deposed and replaced with his sister Candace, who reunites the realm as the “New Capellan Compact”.

Aurigan Civil War – Taurian Annexation

  • House Espinoza and House Arano work really hard to destroy each other and as House Espinoza drives a killing blow by killing Kamea Arano during the Battle of Coromodyr, the Taurian Concordat learns that it was House Espinoza which causes the toxic attack against their citizens, not House Davion.
  • The Taurian Concordat mobilizes its entire military to annex the Aurigan Reaches and destroy House Espinoza, along with further expansion in their zone of influence.

War of Davion Aggression (War of 3039)

  • Following violent repressions of riots by the DCMS on former Federated Suns world, the Davion – Steiner – Liao alliance struck out against the Draconis Combine, which was supported by ComStar and the Rasalhague Republic.
  • Still reeling from the Andurien War of Liberation, the Free Worlds League is unable to support House Kurita as much as would be needed.
  • Luckily for House Kurita, Kanrei Theodore Kurita is generally one step ahead of the Allied Forces and with assistance from Christian Mansdottir’s KungsArme, they repel most of the Allied forces pushes.
  • This leads to a stalemate in the war until the death of Katheine Steiner, who is succeeded by her daughter and the unification of the Federated Commonwealth, ending the War of Davion Aggression.
  • Ultimately, while House Kurita didn’t lose any real territory, they are still weakened by the whole ordeal and have to agree to multiple new “rules” in regards to how their nation is run.

The Mercenary War

  • Multiple mercenary outfits start disliking the treatment they are getting from the Federated Commonwealth, which considers them as line regiments and not specialist. The fact House Kurita, and by extension the Rasalhague Republic, also doesn’t hire mercenaries lead to even more discontent amongst larger mercenary outfits.
  • Wolf Dragoons try to settle the disagreement on Outreach, but McCarron Heavy Cavalry, 21st Centaurii Lancers, Eridani Light Horse and Hansen’s Roughrider oppose the proposed settlement. The Gray Death Legion is ambivalent on the settlement and tries to stay out of the whole problem.
  • Wolf Dragoon, the Kell Hounds and the Northwind Highlanders begin actions against opposing mercenary outfits, starting what would be later known as the Mercenary War.
  • Multiple mercenary outfits are damaged or crippled in the conflict, with “major” mercenary outfits being granted larger holdings by the various Inner Sphere powers, literally forming the first Mercenary Kingdoms.

A New Star League

  • In 3046, the Federated Commonwealth calls for a meeting of all “peer states” on Terra to discuss the status of the Inner Sphere. All major powers send representatives, including the larger periphery states.
  • Hanse Davion discusses the founding of a new Star League in order to bring stability to the Inner Sphere, and proposes a vote for the new leader of this “renewed Star League”, despite opposition from ComStar.
  • While everyone expected Hanse Davion to proclaim himself new First Lord, he proposes Theodore Kurita be named First Lord for the first 5 year, non-renewable term. Taken by surprise, Theodore is elected as Rasalhague and the Combine also support his nomination.
  • Theodore establishes the new SLDF in 3048 by hiring the majority of the mercenary outfits in the Inner Sphere in an attempt to stabilize their position and stop the Mercenary War. Each member realm also provides a full RCT to the renewed SLDF, which is put under the control of ComStar’s Precentor Martial, Anastasius Focht.

Operation REVIVAL

  • Issues arise in the Clan Homeworlds as the new Star League news are heard: Clan Nova Cat says that their role as defenders of the Star League should have them serve them. Clan Diamond Shark supports their ally, and the two of them prepare for war with the other Clans, which ignores them and presses on with Operation REVIVAL.
  • Expecting a potentially stronger resistance than originally anticipated, ilKhan Leo Showers and his aide, Elias Critchell of Clan Jade Falcon, decide to have 7 Clans attack the Inner Sphere, with Clan Diamond Shark and Nova Cat not being allowed to participate into any action.
  • Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Smoke Jaguar, Clan Wolf, Clan Hell’s Horse, Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Coyote and Clan Snow Raven win the rights to participate in the Invasion, while Clan Cloud Cobra and Clan Steel Viper are held in reserve.
  • The Clan forces slam into the Coreward periphery realms first, destroying all opposition which were not part of the new Star League.
  • As of March 7th 3050, the first planets of the Inner Sphere are hit by a wave of invaders, which destroy the defenders with ease.
  • Tor Miraborg and Christian Mansdottir are the first to setup a military resistance to the Clan Invasion, overriding the commands of Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson.
  • In order to maintain controlled world, Clan leadership brings up the reserve Clans to serve as garrison forces, further adding Clan Burrock to the invasion as another reserve Clan.
  • Military resistance from the newly crafted SLDF, Federated Suns and Draconis Combine gives much trouble to the invading Clans, who had no idea the resistance would be that strong.
  • IlKhan Leo Showers moves to invade Rasalhague personally, using the entire might of Clan Smoke Jaguar and supporting elements from Clan Ghost Bear, and is killed in action by Tyra Miraborg during a strafing run against his damaged Dire Wolf Omnimech.
  • This leads the Clans to stop their invasion temporarily as they move back to elect a new leader.
  • Wolf Dragoons summon the leaders of the Inner Sphere for a summit on Outreach, where they are told rebuffed by the First Lord for not giving them the necessary intelligence before the start of Operation REVIVAL. Tensions rise as Phelan Kell challenges Mackenzie Wolf to a duel and kills him, other mercenary outfits who originally supported the Wolf’s claim on Outreach and surrounding worlds start opposing them.
  • Theodore Kurita ends the discussion and quick mercenary conflict by imposing Wolf Dragoons to officially become part of the SLDF and remove Jaime Wolf from command, to be replaced by Sun-Tzu Liao, who had been Theodore’s aide until this point.
  • Clan Invasion restarts after the election of Elias Critchell as new ilKhan, with a new strategy focused on consolidating their current gains and pushing towards more critical worlds of the Inner Sphere, with less focus on reaching Terra.
  • The invasion is bogged down by increased resistance from the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine and Rasalhague Republic, all supported by Anastasius Focht’s SLDF and united mercenary commands.
  • Hanse Davion dies on June 17th 3052, with his son Victor now a warrior in Clan Jade Falcon after being taken as bondsman, 15 years old Peter is named First Prince over his sister Katherine, making her extensively mad, but Melissa Steiner is the de facto leader of the Federated Suns until Peter turns 21.

Further development

  • In 3053, Theodore Kurita leadership of the Star League ends, and is replaced by Christian Mansdottir, the current leader of the Rasalhague Republic.
  • Elias Critchell plans the attack on Luthien using as many available Clan assets as possible. The assault is pushed back at great cost, including the life of Takashi Kurita and most of the Kell Hounds forces.
  • This loss destroys the credibility of Elias Critchell as ilKhan, which is replaced by Ulric Kerensky after a Trial of Refusal. The more Warden inclined Kerensky negotiates a temporary truce with the Inner Sphere powers, for 3 years.
  • Clan Nova Cat and Clan Sea Fox (renaming themselves) exile themselves from Clan space to the Inner Sphere to join the SLDF, which is accepted by Christian Mansdottir, which grants them territory with agreements with the Draconis Combine, Federated Suns and the Free Worlds League.
  • The Federated Commonwealth invest a massive amount of ressources into their military in an attempt to quickly modernize it to more advanced standards, using captured Clan technology and trade with Clan Sea Fox.
  • The DCMS bolster their defense along the Clan Occupation Zone border by hiring mercenary groups.

The Invasion Comes Again

  • The entire Touman of the Clans is mobilized in the next wave of the invasion.
  • Clan Snow Raven strikes against the Outworlds Alliance, destroying the small nation before the SLDF or the DCMS can be mobilized to defend them.
  • While the Rasalhague Republic puts up a good show of force, Ulric Kerensky concentrates his effort and the Clan forces against them, with Clan Cloud Cobra and Ice Hellion supporting the push by Clan Wolf.