Also known asItagaki Seichiro (板垣 征四郎)
AffiliationDraconis Combine Second Sword of Light
Seichiro Itagaki, before his death

Seichiro Itagaki was the commanding officer of the 2nd Sword of Light from 3143 to his death in 3154. A competent officer, Seichiro Itagaki served in the Combine assault on the Republic of the Sphere as a Sho-Sa, before the commanding officer of the 2nd retired due to injuries. Strict and harsh, Tai-Sa Itagaki was focused on keeping his regiment from getting dishonored like the previous 2nd was in the past, reaching a point where some called him “Colonel Clanner” behind his back.

Federated Front

The Second Sword of Light, under the command of Seichiro Itagaki, served during Matsuhari Toranaga (interal)’s assault on the Federated Suns. The 2nd primary action was on Chanute and Linneus. Compared to other regiments involved in the formation of the Dragon’s Tongue, the 2nd Sword of Light acted incredibly honorably and did everything they could to not commit any acts which could be regarded as war crimes.

On to the Rasalhague Front

While the 2nd was understrength after these operations, political machination by the General in charge of the Swords of Light regiments, Theodore Ichiriu (internal), redirected resources which were earmarked for the Arkab Legions. With their regiment at full strength, the 2nd Sword of Light struck out against Clan Ghost Bear and the Rasalhague Dominion at request of Yori Kurita (internal). While they had original success, order came from above soon to relocate their operation to the other border of the Combine, as they came under assault by the Raven Alliance.

Over the course of a couple of the entire war against the multiple parties, moving from one front to another, the 2nd Sword of Light started losing their edge due to weariness. In March 3154, the 2nd Sword of Light was faced by Clan Ghost Bear’s Omega Galaxy on Aubisson. Due to a pilot error, the dropship carrying Seichiro Itagaki crashed into a mountain side, killing all aboard.


Seichiro Itagaki piloted a Mauler.