Prohaska Moon

Also known asProhaska Smoke Jaguar
Clan Smoke Jaguar
RankGalaxy Commander
ProfessionElemental Warrior
Intelligence Officer
Prohaska Moon, circa 3151

The first Khan of the reborn Smoke Jaguar, Prohaska Moon won that distinction by being the toughest and meanest of them all in hand-to-hand combat. A top-level Fidelis prospect, Prohaska Moon was trained a MechWarrior, intelligence agent, battle armor user and saboteur. Unfortunately, she was never trained to as a commander and politician, making her position as Khan difficult at best. While the top-level Clan Smoke Jaguar members were happy that a mighty warrior would lead them, the rank and file of the former Fidelis knew this could be a problem. Many were afraid Prohaska Moon would return them to what failed the Smoke Jaguars to begin with.

Rebuilding a Clan

Prohaska Moon’s first order of business with her clan reformation was to rebuild their touman. While the Fidelis units in the Republic of the Sphere had equipment, after the sacrifices in the Battle of Terra, this was quite limited. With most facilities on Earth building ‘Mechs to rearm the Wolves or Jade Falcons, the only true source of equipment for the Fidelis were the hidden Greenland Operation Zeta factories, producing special forces custom ‘Mechs. All things considered, acquiring as much salvage as was available to her, Prohaska Moon was able to rebuild a single front line Galaxy formed with 3 Clusters and a garrison Galaxy with 4 Clusters.

Prohaska Moon’s next action was the first of her many stumblings in the political sphere, challenging various Wolf and Jade Falcon commanders to Trial of Possession for equipment. All of them were denied by Alaric Ward, who quickly put an end to any such action on Terra. The Jaguar Khan then decided to raid Dieron for equipment and parts, which put her at odds with the corporate security of Renault-Peugeot Automotive. Even doing this led the Smoke Jaguars to only capture enough equipment to field an extra Cluster of units.

Challenge to her leadership

Planning a raid on a Ghost Bear supply depot, Prohaska Moon was intercepted by Josh Wirth (internal) who quickly explained to her that it was a bad idea. Trying to pull rank, Prohaska denied the motion from her Loremaster, who had no choice but to challenge her commanding officer to a Trial of Refusal. He won without striking her, with 90% of the Clan officers at the meeting voted in favor of Josh Wirth.

The next meeting Prohaska Moon had was with saKhan Chance Vickers (internal), who also was quite negative regarding her actions. The Wolf commander admonished Prohaska for her actions as they damaged the fledgling New Star League, rather than protecting it. Khan Moon’s response was as could be expected, challenging Chance Vickers to a Trial of Grievance. Again, Alaric Ward stepped in, invoking his power as ilKhan to threaten Prohaska Moon with losing her position if she kept behaving in such a manner.

Prohaska Moon stopped at that point and looked around at those still loyal to her, and those more loyal to the ilClan and the “concept” of the Fidelis than of Clan Smoke Jaguar. It became clear to the Jaguar Khan that they were no longer “a mighty warrior clan”, but now a team of special forces tied directly to the New Star League. Loremaster Josh Wirth had more respect from “her troops” than she did, and her saKhan, Richmond Howell (internal), was generally regarded as a better commander.

One Step at a Time

Prohaska Moon stopped all aggression after this whole incident and concentrated on managing the various assets available to her and her clan. She blamed her actions for the lack of faith Alaric Ward had towards the Jaguars, preferring to use Max Ergen’s (internal) First Army Group in the Battle of Yorii. The Jaguars were engaged with the Capellan forces at the time, but no specific order was given to them outside of “slowing them down”.

To help rebuild her confidence and establish the Jaguars as they should be, Prohaska Moon listened to Josh Wirth’s plan in capturing Liberty and Outreach to establish a new territory for the Smoke Jaguars. She also assigned Richmond Howell to the frontline Alpha Galaxy, while she took command of the garrison Delta Galaxy.

Concentrating on counter-attacks against Liao forces, the Jaguars began gathering isorla in decent amount. Prohaska Moon re-established Beta Galaxy using these resources, combined with the output of the OZ factory on Carver V. While still regarded as a far too aggressive and pushy Khan, her troops are now more confident in her ability, while the upper leadership in the New Star League has started trusting her more as well.

Prohaska Moon’s Battle Armor

Prohaska Moon generally pilots a Gnome battle armor. If forced to pilot a ‘Mech, she is known to be piloting a Marauder II C.