Niels Carns

Also known asNiels Wolf
AffiliationClan Wolf
Epsilon Galaxy
RankGalaxy Commander
Niels Carns, before his death, on Terra

A jealous and vain man, Niels Carns keeps his appearance as a Trueborn Warrior as a top priority. His muscular built and his well-coiffed brown hair would make for a beautiful poster for recruitment in other Inner Sphere states. A traditionalist, he wanted to follow normal Clan bidding process during the Battle of Terra, which was overruled by Garner Kerensky. On Terra, on the Asian continent, Niels Carns faced the Thai Tigers which taunted him in pursuing them. His order to chase them down was countermanded by Chance Vickers (internal), who he already disliked as he felt she was promoted before he was in the Clan hierarchy. After the end of the ilCLan trial, Niels Carns was one of the few Warriors who voted for Miriam Shaw (internal) to become the next saKhan of the Wolves.

War for the Wolf Empire

Niels Carns’s Epsilon Galaxy was, as with most Wolf units on Terra, severely undermanned and underequipped after the end of the ilClan trial. Using mixed trinaries rather than pure units allowed Epsilon Galaxy to recover faster than others, quickly filling out the ranks of their Elemental Stars by promoting standard infantry into battle armor units. To prove himself superior to Chance Vickers, he immediately requested to be redeployed to the Wolf Empire to support Star Colonel Othar’s forces, and potentially take control of the Wolf Empire. While saKhan Vickers refused at first, Alaric countermanded her order, and deployed Carns on the Free Worlds League border.

While he had initial success against different FWLM units, his unit which was “at full strength” on paper quickly showed its weakness. Niels Carn luck (and vanity) ran out when the Fusiliers of Oriente trapped the Iron Keshik on Laureles. While Cairns fought tooth and nail, he was taken down by combined fire of the command lance of the Fusiliers 2nd Battalion.


Niels Carns piloted an Alpha Wolf.