Marguerite Grimheald

Also known asMarguerite Hell’s Horses
AffiliationClan Hell’s Horses
666th Mechanized Assault Cluster
Beta Galaxy
RankGalaxy Commander
Marguerite Grimheald, Clan Hell's Horses, Beta Galaxy, 666th Mechanized

A close friend to Clan Jade Falcon’s Malvina Hazen and a fierce follower of the Mongol Doctrine, Marguerite Grimhead is the commander of the Hell’s Horses Beta Galaxy and their elite 666th Mechanized Assault Cluster. An aggressive warrior, Marguerite is first to bid on any assault or combat assignment with the Hell’s Horses and is known to bid aggressively as well. Unfortunately, this does not match her track record or the track record of her Clan.

In Service of the Jade Falcon

While Star Colonel of the 666th, Marguerite Grimheald basically served as an attack dog for Malvina Hazen. This changed when Hazen was injured and comatose after a failed assassination attempt, where Grimheald pledged her unit as a honor guard while they returned the Khan to Sudeten. While her actions were seen as honorable, other leaders within Clan Hell’s Horses saw her as compromised by these actions. When the alliance with the Jade Falcon faltered, Star Colonel Grimheald kept guard on Derf, but let Jade Falcon “former friends” resupply on her world.


Loren Icaza, former leader of Beta Galaxy, managed to lose command of his Galaxy due to mismanagement and letting Lyran forces take over Trell. While other Star Colonel challenged for the position, aggressive bidding during the trial of position led to a victory by Star Colonel Grimheald. Reforging “her galaxy” in her image, she put skilled Mongol warriors throughout the command staff and challenged other galaxies for resources to rebuild her broken units.

Battle of Yorii

Beta Galaxy of Clan Hell’s Horses won the right to participate in the Trial of Possession for Terra to be fought on Yorii. Gottfried Amirault (internal) directed Beta to make landfall before other units to gauge the situation. Trying to gain air superiority on their way in, Grimheald forces were prevented to do so by a combined force of the First Army Group and Clan Wolf new space superiority dropships. After landing, Marguerite still directed her forces to strike directly at the enemy with little care for safety, in true mongol style.

While the 666th saw some success against the Wolf’s 3rd Wolf Guard Battle Cluster, Jacinta Cooper’s (internal) 77th Mechanized Cavalry was soundly defeated by Alaric Ward’s own Silver Keshik. The QuadVee heavy 11th Horde also was trapped by the First Army Group Colonel Sorell Book and a “combined arms regimentallion” near an ocean cliff pass. Beta Galaxy Command, the 8th Horde and the actual command 666th were forced to be on the backfoot for the remainder of the engagement. Clan Wolf showed that all the aggressivity and determination in the world doesn’t change lack of actual combat experience.

Marguerite Grimheald’s BattleMech

Marguerite Grimheald pilots a orange and black Jade Hawk.