Joshua Snord

AffiliationSnord’s Irregulars
Interstellar Expeditions
ParentsAlexander Snord
Joshua Snord, circa 3154

Joshua Snord is the current commander of Snord’s Irregular Mercenary/Archeologist outfit. Taking after his storied ancestors, Joshua is brash, impetuous and too good at his job to see this as a problem. A bit more “profit-minded” than his ancestors, however, Joshua has been trying to build his organization for the better part of a decade now. The Irregulars have grown closer to Interstellar Expeditions in recent years as well, with some corporate groups considering actual members of the Corporate Security of IE.

Battle of the Butte

In early 3150, the Irregulars, led by Joshua Snord, were defending a dig site on Butte Hold for Interstellar Expeditions when they were attacked by Clan Hell’s Horses. While outmatched, Joshua Snord and his command company held the attacking units while IE and the Irregulars evacuated the site, carrying with them some interested Rim Worlds Republic data caches.

Retaking of Clinton

As the Lyran Commonwealth struck out against the Wolf Empire, Joshua Snord was informed through a wire that Clinton would be one of the worlds considered to rejoin the Commonwealth. Gathering all their belongings and jumping on corporate-affiliated JumpShips, the Irregulars made a beeline to the Lyran border to assist with the reclamation of their ancestral landhold. Met with an undermanned and underequipped 36th Wolf Garrison Cluster, Joshua Snord easily led his veterans to a complete victory. While the local government wanted him to claim the world for his own, Joshua had Lyran administrators take charge, with his unit reclaiming their landhold and rebuilding it. Joshua Snord made clear to everyone that he was not interested in politics, local or intersideral, and that he would side with Interstellar Expeditions decisions regarding Clinton.

Exploration of McKellan

Joshua Snord received a request from a noble from Donegal to investigate the status (and potential riches) of McKellan, near Clinton and the Lyran border. Officially an abandoned world, McKellan kept popping up in various reports. Using a few IE ships, Joshua deployed 2 companies on McKellan, meeting with “the locals”. Armed with advanced equipment, painted in unknown colors, the Irregulars still managed to win a fight, capturing a planetary garrison, along with “liberating” the population.

McKellan had been a Wolverine Union supply outpost in the Inner Sphere since at least the 2nd Succession War, from which a lot of operations were managed. The Irregulars had limited luck decrypting the data from the terminals, but they “escalated” the issue to the IE leadership, along with the Donegal nobility.

Joshua Snord’s Battlemech

Joshua Snord pilots a highly customized Archer.