Josh Wirth

Also known asJosh Smoke Jaguar
Josh Bryanson
AffiliationFidelis Clan Smoke Jaguar
RankStar Captain Loremaster
ProfessionAerospace fighter pilot Intelligence Officer
Josh Wirth, after the Battle of Terra

Josh Wirth (born Bryanson) is the Loremaster of the reborn Clan Smoke Jaguar. A freebirth born of the pairing of two trueborn warrior, Josh was trained as a Fidelis agent from a young age. He settled for being an aerospace fighter pilot, along with being trained to fly small crafts, dropships and even jumpships. A skilled infiltrator and social chameleon, he was more at ease in board rooms and fancy parties. During the Battle of Terra, Josh Bryanson managed to infiltrate Clan Wolf Beta Galaxy by pretending to get captured and being taken as a bondsman. After the Wolves victory, he was recognized by Prohaska Moon (internal), which nominated him to Loremaster of the reborn Clan.

Star League Intelligence

Along with Marv Roshak (internal) and Aberdeen Mehta (internal), Josh Wirth began establishing the Star League Intelligence Services by integrating the watch of the 3 Clans together. While each Watch wanted to remain independent, sharing critical information and setting up agents for the general Star League Intelligence became standard. Josh Wirth was the most veteran in intelligence affairs of the 3 Loremasters, but he understood Aberdeen Mehta had more political savviness while Marv Roshak made a great face for their operation thanks to his perceived sense of honor.

Josh Wirth quickly reactivated many Fidelis assets in other nations, using Lloyd’s of New London as his primary point of contact with many of them. While the Inner Sphere nations were not seen as friendly to the New Star League, the local Fidelis assets brought interesting informations, including the desire of the Free Worlds League and Lyran Commonwealth to only perform limited strikes against the Wolf Empire.

Restoring the Jaguars

From the start of the Capellan – Star League War, Josh Wirth’s primary focus shifted to reestablishing a “nation” for the former Fidelis. Concentrating on getting a strong industrial base, Loremaster Wirth gave a series of targets to Prohaska Moon. First was the taking of Liberty, where the Fidelis had established a fully automated Operation Zeta factory before the planet was lost to the Capellan Confederation. Another important target for Josh Wirth was Outreach, both as a symbol of the defeat of the Wolf’s Dragoons, but also to recover the remains of multiple facilities which could be restored with enough money and time.

Josh Wirth’s Aerospace fighter

Josh Wirth pilots a Turk omnifighter.