Jordan Amaris

AffiliationHouse Amaris In Exile
Title(s)Junior Prince of the Union
Arena Gladiator
ParentsCarolyne Amaris
Uniform McEvedy
Jordan Amaris, circa 3153

The youngest of the Amaris descendant, and still showing no signs of the Kerensky Curse yet. Unlike his siblings, Jordan takes pleasure in fighting and struggling in life, having joined a Wolverine Sibko to train as a MechWarrior. While not fantastic at the job, Jordan shows that he is eager to serve and has managed to control 3 bioroid at the same time as his own BattleMech. Most of his experience comes from fighting in the arena, where the Wolverines generally make sure he does not get injured.

Early strikes against the traitors

Jordan Amaris lobbied for his mother to allow him to join the Wolverine strikes against the Escorpion Imperio. Khan Foxtrot Whitfield included him in his order of battle, who wanted to still protect him and assigned him to low-intensity missions. With his team of bioroids, Jordan Amaris did manage to score multiple kills against Garrison Caste units. The young prince did learn a lot about supplying front-line units and logistics, including the important of capturing enemy supply depots and repossessing captured BattleMechs for service with the Union. While the operation did not cause the Goliath Scorpion collapse, but multiple worlds still were now in possession of the Union, which quickly were turned into supply depots.

Second Strike

For the second wave of destabilization strikes against the Inner Sphere, Jordan Amaris was assigned Clan Burrock as an analyst and strategist. During the fighting against the Timbuktu Collective, Jordan was injured when fighting Vedet Brewer (internal) after the loss of one of his bioroid. Rather than returning to the Union Core Worlds, Jordan remained with the Burrocks, giving them insight on fighting the rogue Lyran elements. Under his guidance, the Burrocks conquered and annexed most of the Timbuktu collective and forced the remaining elements to beg the Lyran Commonwealth for financial and humanitarian aid.