Carolyne Amaris

AffiliationHouse Amaris In Exile
ParentsRobert Amaris
Quebec Hallis
FamilyGordon Amaris
2 other sons
3 other daughters
Jordan Amaris
Carolyne Amaris, circa 3153

At about 63 years old, Carolyne Amaris should die soon. The Curse of Kerensky has been eating through her body for more than 30 years at this point. Her skin now either paper-thin or gone, with her muscles being severely atrophied. The one thing that it hasn’t hurt is her mind, which remains razor-sharp and particularly malevolent. Like all Amaris since their exile, Carolyne Amaris has an intense hatred for “the traitors”, which now includes all the Inner Sphere powers and the Clans. She was selected in her brood by her father before his death because she was the single most sociopathic individual of the bunch, in hopes that she would further drive the plot against the Inner Sphere forward.

Evil is Good

The Amaris family always looked positively on “evil tendencies” on their leaders since the Exile. With a life expectancy in the low 60 years due to a genetic, tailor-made disease, the idea was not to put the most unstable ruler in power, but the most ruthless which would advance the needs of the Union. Carolyne Amaris ascended to power when her father died at the age of 25 and expanded heavily on what he had put into motion with the Society and Word of Blake remnants. The expansion of the Union military with bioroids and interface control harnesses cost the Empress some political power over the Core Worlds of the Unions. Major noble houses just wanted to expand their power and wealth, while the “average” bloodborn population wanted better, not manufacturing jobs, but promises of an invasion of the Inner Sphere kept them in line.

Blackout and acceleration of the plan

When Gray Monday struck across the Inner Sphere, this confused a lot of Wolverine Union analysts, as they had nothing to do with it. Sabotage of relations between the various parties within the Inner Sphere had gone well, and the Clarion Note almost derailed things. Carolyne Amaris decided to exploit this as a sign the time had come for them to move ahead. Additional distrust between House Davion and House Kurita was promoted by infiltrators. Financial support to the Duchy of Andurien and Marian Hegemony was increased to destabilize the former Free Worlds League. The already unstable Malvina Hazen was pushed over the edge with honeyed words, while at the same the Hell’s Horses were nudged into being more and more conservative so they would act as a counter to all other Clan powers who were slowly integrating into the Inner Sphere.

The final major push by the Union, at Carolyne’s request, was giving Clan Wolf the way to penetrate the Fortress Wall surrounding Terra, in a play to weaken both major players. With some probing attacks around the Periphery and the acceleration of a few other plots, Carolyne Amaris is trying to ensure the success of a plan close to 3 centuries in the making, at least before she passes away.