The Society

Time period:3012– Now
Classification:Scientific Union
Controlled systems:6
Capital world:Einstein
Ruler title:First Minister
Military:Society Military Service
Secret Service:The Five Eyes

The Society had been a player in Clan politics since their creation, but it was Etienne Balzac which put them on the map. His extremist views that the Scientist Caste should be the leading group in Clan society had him exiled and many scientists viewed with both fear and disdain. The Annihilation of the Jade Falcon scientist caste was seen as a major loss for the Society. Luckily however, the Society had predicted such a result and had already begun a massive underground railroad program towards the Wolverine Union, especially the Rim Worlds Republic which were very interested in the Society’s research. By 3074, the Society leadership were officially settled in the Union territory and abandoned the Clans altogether.


A Slow Migration

The first contact between the Wolverines and the Society came as the Wolverines were fleeing their destruction by the Clans. Some Society-affiliated Scientists were still part of Clan Wolverine and gave them pointers on how to reach relative safety. After the Wolverines settled, some of these scientists entered contact with their counterparts in the Homeworlds to share knowledge. Since then, any scientists attempting to flee Clan space was whisked away by the Wolverines, funneled into a growing number of Republic aligned organizations. The Society became an official “member state” of the Union in 3012 when they took over a newly terraformed world called Einstein for their own needs.

By Operation REVIVAL, the Society had been granted a few worlds to colonize on their own already. More scientists and technicians than ever before exiled themselves from Clan space, as they disagreed with both Warden and Crusader viewpoints. When they reached the Society worlds in the Union, their scientific mind were liberated and they were allowed to experiment on anything they wished.

The Etienne Heresy

The Society was quite happy with the arrangement they had, hiding within the Clans and when things heated up too much, running away to the Union territory. Unfortunately for them, Etienne Balzac brought the eye of all Clan watches on them during a time where “reaving and annihilating” was all the rage. Society cells were destroyed before they could be taken away, including ones that had been working in secret on shared projects which were viewed as critical. Attempts by Etienne Balzac to run away to Union territory were stopped due to his actions, and all his affiliates were denied safe passage due to their association.

The rest of the Society in Clan territory quickly made sure they could flee, with large chunks of Clan Coyote and Star Adder scientific base suddenly “dying in lab accidents”, or orchestrating “attacks” against their installations to let them freely leave. Society members in Clans being reaved simplified the migration of their Clans to Union space as well. By the 3080s, the Society had almost entirely migrated to Union space, generally blaming Etienne’s action.

No Bad Deeds Goes Unrewarded

The Rim Worlds Republic had no qualms whatsoever regarding what the Society was building upon. Genetic engineering, bio engineered virus, advanced drugs, nothing was out of reach or out of scope for the Society. The Society was allowed to expand on their research on bio-engineered humans with the Word of Blake bringing in new implant technology, leading to the creation of the first batch of bioroids. With no limits to what they can do for the sake of science, the Society is known to sacrifice anything for even a marginal scientific gain at this point.

Striking the Beast

When the Union agreed on strikes against their ancient enemy, the Society decided not to deploy in the original strikes. They much preferred gathering information from what they others would bring them and improve on the bioroid technology for a second strike and more lasting gains. Society observers were put in all military outfits however, especially to monitor the results the bioroid technology would have.


The Society is built around a small core of scientific minds, known as The Council, each of them being the leading specialist in their own field. Every six years, they elect one First Minister to be the head of state and represent the Society interests within the Union. Nobody can be elected to that position twice until all other members of the Council has been elected. The First Minister also serves as the scientific advisor to the Emperor of the Republic when required. All other political functions within the Society are built on elections of “valid individuals”, generally scientists with backgrounds in political science, economic theory and social sciences.

While the overall population of the Society might seem large, the Society only regards those who have completed “higher education” as citizens, while all others are residents at best or “manpower” at worse. The Society still employs a sibko system to create the most brilliant minds possible, with eugenics focusing entirely on mental acuity and intellect rather than military prowess. Those who test down from the sibkos join the ranks of residents, usually merchants, support staff or blue-collar workers for the Society. To be sent down to “manpower” is the worst possible sentence, as the work at that level is entirely physical or military related.

A love of vatgrowns

Vatgrown population within the Society is larger than in most Exiled Clans as the Society has 0 reservations on using such manpower to further their goals. While this has caused them to have larger food issues since the White Light event, the Society has not stopped their production of vatgrowns due to their high turnover rate due to lax security and safety for lower-tier work. Most of their military is built off those vatgrowns as well, with either natural born or eugenically born being exempt of military service unless they entirely fail at all tests.


The Society uses their own military formations, disconnected from the Inner Sphere or Clan format. Their entire military now is built around command vatgrowns and bioroids, with “natural born” not being used at all in any military units, as this would be beneath them. Seeing how the average commander can easily command 2 bioroids, this makes most Trey being built as 3 ‘mechs in the same series with 1 commander and 2 line units. ProtoMechs and battle armors are also used in larger proportion than “standard clans”, again using commander and bioroids as the basis of the units.

Weapons and equipment are built in massive, automated factories under the watchful eye of a Head Engineer and “warm bodies” of vatgrowns. The Society prefers not to invest too much in black sea navies, keeping small ships for rapid deployments of specialized units rather than large fighting forces. Not having bid for “first strikes” against the Clans and Inner Sphere, the leadership wants to gather information to better prepare for operations in the future.

Herman Nobel, The Society, Wolverine Union

Current National Data

Affiliation: Scientific Union
Population (Clan Space): 2.6 billion (3153) (counting vatgrown)
Population growth rate: 22 percent
Self-Sufficiency Index: 71 percent and dropping (food shortages)

First Minister: Eleanor Carrier

Prime General: Herman Nobel

Septem: 46
WarShips: 1

Controlled worlds: 7, Capital of Einstein.

Currency: Republican Dinar