Majesty Metals and Manufacturing, Magistracy of Canopus, Corporation

Majesty Metals And Manufacturing

Corporation Profile
Founding Year2550
AffiliationMagistracy of Canopus
(Canopus IV)
Product(s)Aerospace fighters BattleMechs Conventional Fighters DropShips Combat Vehicles
Manufacturing Plant(s)Ballad II Dunianshire Luxen

Majesty Metals and Manufacturing is the largest and oldest military industrial contractor in the Magistracy of Canopus. They served the Magistracy during the War of Star League Aggression, but also supported General Kerensky during the Amaris Civil War. They were the sole domestic provider for heavy military equipment for the Magistracy until 3060 or so.

Local plants

The main plant for Majesty Metals and Manufacturing is still on Canopus IV. This is despite the planet’s mineral resources having been mismanaged during the two hundred years or so of the Succession War period. Import of raw material to Canopus IV have increased dramatically, driven by investment by the Capellan Confederation, and secretly, by the Rim Worlds Republic.

On the other hand, the facilities on Dunianshire have been expanding since the Jihad. This has led to a population explosion on this rim ward planet, along with major investments in production of raw materials in the system. Another new facility on Luxen VI, built during the early 32nd century, provides even more equipment for sale. This facility saw major investment from the Duchy of Andurien, who also invested in the production of new parts for their recent LAM investment.


The planet of Ballad II also had a Majesty Metals and Manufacturing facility built on it during the early 32nd century. They declared themselves independent from the Magistracy in 3127, which led to massive decrease in production for this particular plant. “Marian pirates” (actually Burrock pirates) raided the world, which led the MAF to deploy troops on it again, against the desire of the planetary government. The local population saw this as a false flag operation by the Magistracy to impose their will on the independent world again. This came to a head in 3148, when the First Magistracy Highlanders were kicked off world by local protests financed, once again, by the Burrocks. The Union pirates wanted to acquire the MMM facilities on Ballad II to give them production in the region for future strikes, and this went smoothly.


The majority of the production by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing is destined to the Magistracy of Canopus, with most common trade partners being the Duchy of Andurien, Fronc Reach and Capellan Confederation. The facilities on Ballad II have begun producing spare parts and equipment for the Wolverine Union exclusively.

Aerospace fighter

Battle Armor




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