Camacho's Caballeros, 17th Recon Regiment, Free Worlds League

Camacho’s Caballeros

Camacho’s Caballeros
Nickname17th Recon Regiment
AffiliationMercenary (attached)
Parent CommandTamarind Regulars

Camacho’s Caballeros is a mercenary unit from the Free Worlds League “Southwest Trinity Worlds”. They served all major houses of the Inner Sphere in the past but have mostly been residing near their home worlds since the Jihad. With an average reputation, the Caballeros have restructured over time, becoming the de facto military of the Southwest Trinity Worlds. While not officially recognized as a province of the FWL, the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey has recognized the 3 worlds as their own administrative body, with the Caballeros being the main reason for this.

Recent History

Camacho’s Caballeros home planets being on the border of two major powers, their allegiance was stuck between the Lyran Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey since the end of the Jihad. The main threat at the time were raids from former Circinus Federation worlds trying to find a footing after the collapse of their government. From 3106 forward, Anjelah Camacho took command of the regiment after the death in combat of her husband, Jesus Camacho. She mostly took local contracts for her unit, supporting the Bolan provincial forces of the Lyran Commonwealth.

Over the years, they fought multiple battles against the Tamarind Regulars, with a growing respect between the two units. When the Southwest Trinity Worlds passed over to Free Worlds League control in the late 3130s, the Caballeros renegotiated their contract and became an attached regiment to the Tamarind Regulars. While they mostly wanted to defend their worlds, the funds generated by fighting for Fontaine Marik allowed massive investments on the Trinity Worlds. Their main target during that era was various Marian forces, serving as support for the heavier Tamarind Regular formations.

War of Marian Aggression

Camacho’s Caballeros were heavily involved in the War of Marian Aggression. Supporting the Tamarind Regulars, they reclaimed worlds for the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey. They also hunt down Marian war criminals on these worlds. Reinvestment of those bounties in the Southwest Worlds improved infrastructure by a fair margin.

After the war was over, the Caballeros began lobbying to have the Southwest Trinity Worlds be a fully recognized province of the Free Worlds League, with the support of Fontaine Marik.


Camacho’s Caballeros specializes in fast attacks and cavalry flanking tactics. They also concentrate on harassing enemy lines, staying just out of range of most weapons.


Unit Composition

  • 17th Recon Regiment (2 Battalion, BattleMech Cavalry/Recon, Elite/Reliable)
    • Colonel Anjelah Camacho
  • 17th Recon Airwing (1 Battalion, ASF strike force, Elite / Reliable)
    • Lieutenant-Colonel Andreas Camacho
  • 17th Support Battalion (Infantry and Battle Armor force, Veteran / Reliable)
  • Caballero’s Armored Support (Troop transport and cavalry hovertanks, Veteran / Reliable)

Unit Color

Historically Camacho’s Caballeros let their pilots paint their Battlemech as they saw fit. In more recent history, however, a decision was taken to have their machines painted in a more orange and yellow theme, with accent colors and details being at the whim of the specific pilot. Many vehicles are given a “rusty, weathered” look as well.

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