Black Warriors
Formed | 2785 |
Nickname | Covert Bandits |
Affiliation | Formerly Circinus Federation Mercenary |
Parent Command | Independent |
The Black Warrior used to serve in the Star League, a long time ago. In more modern times, they were the main military force behind the Circinus Federation until they saw it basically being taken over by the Word of Blake. They did not run away very far, settling down on Zorn’s Keep and hiding amongst pirates and other mercenaries of ill repute. They run the world’s Hiring Hall from the shadows.
Recent History
The Black Warriors last operation in the employ of the Circinus Federation was their defense of against the Marian Hegemony. With a rather terrible reputation, mostly as pirates, they did not go to hide very far, settling on Zorn’s Keep and building the planet’s own infrastructure to support their operations. Piracy became their primary source of revenue during the Jihad, striking at all targets around their homebase equally.
With the destruction of the Federation at the end of the Jihad, the Black Warrior became a political power in the power vacuum which happened. Rather than claiming the Federation as their own, they established a Hiring Hall on Zorn’s Keep for mercenaries of ill-repute and pirates. The Marian Hegemony was not worried about it as it allowed them to hire plausible deniability assets, same with the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey.
Black takes charge
Things took a turn in 3132 when a man named Kimbundu Black took command of the Warriors. Most believed he was an exiled Clan warrior due to his actions. Brutal and effective, he made sure a portion of his Warriors would always be working as pirates while another group would be defending Zorn’s Keep. This increase in criminal activities did lead other local powers, like Camacho’s Caballeros, to start paying more attention to them.
Kimbundu Black did rebuke approaches by the Burrocks for association, taking them for bog standard Dark Caste members. With the increase in Wolverine Union activity in their region, it is only a question of time before the two pirate entities start fighting each other.
Black Warrior’s Officers
The Black Warrior used to have a very loose leadership in the post-Jihad era until Colonel Kimbundu Black took charge of the warriors in a coup. The 4 divisions of the Warriors were recreated and reincorporated, both as pirates and as mercenaries. Kimbundu’s brother, MowReeCe, is now in charge of the Black Angels. The Black Horses and Black Dogs are still under command of the Bergstrom and Gorst family, like they were right before the Jihad started. Rover Bergstrom and Mel Gorst both prefer working as mercenary and security than as pirates.
Unit Composition
- Black Warrior (Combined Arms regiment, Elite / Questionable)
- Colonel Kimbundu Black
- Black Angels (Air wing, Elite / Questionable)
- Lieutenant Colonel MowReeCe Black
- Black Horses (2 Cavalry Battalion, Regular / Questionable)
- Colonel Rover Bergstrom
- Black Dogs (Cavalry Battalion, Regular / Questionable)
- Major Mel Gorst
Most of their equipment is at Civil War standard, and operating at about 80% efficiency.
Black Warrior’s Color Scheme
Black Warrior machines are painted with a flat “superblack” paint they own the compound for, making their ‘Mechs look like they absorb light. Most of them use silver and white highlights to make the design look more threatening.