Banzai Enterprises, Federated Suns, Corporate Alliance

Banzai Enterprises

Corporation Profile
Founding Year3024 (as part of Team Banzai)
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
HeadquartersNew Avalon
Product(s)Battle armor BattleMechs
Division(s)Team Banzai Security
Manufacturing Plant(s)Northwind New Avalon

Banzai Enterprises is the “manufacturing arm” of Team Banzai. The Jihad was devastating to the Banzai organization, with their reinforced regiment pretty much being destroyed. In a reversal of faith, it was the production and prototyping portion of their organization which kept them alive afterwards. With minor production plants both on Northwind and New Avalon, Banzai Enterprises provides the Federated Suns, mercenaries and unaffiliated forces with high-tech gear and consultancy services.

Recent History

Team Banzai was reformed into the New Avalon Cavaliers after the FedCom Civil War, with great hopes for the future. Banzai Enterprises remained semi-independent at the time, with Doctor Anna Banzai focusing on it as CEO. A naval bombardment from the Word of Blake cut short the future of the Cavaliers, however. This left “Team Banzai” destroyed as a military organization.

Reorganization as a corporate entity took until the end of the Jihad. By that time, Banzai Enterprises had a facility linked to the rebuilt NAIS along with one tied to the Northwind Highlanders.

The main source of revenue for the corporation was the licensing and IP rights to the Inner Sphere Standard battle armor. Another important source of revenue was the license to use the “Banzai Standard” hatchet by Defiance Industries. With this, Banzai Enterprises always kept their head above the water, even with the capture of New Avalon by the Draconis Combine.

Team Banzai has approached Clan Wolf and the New Star League for production of equipment for them after the ilClan trial. While Alaric Ward was not too interested in what was offered, Loremaster Aberdeen Mehta put in an option to purchase equipment, especially pod-mounted hatchets. General/Khan Max Ergen also commissioned the production of a equipment from Banzai Enterprises for Clan Thunder Boar.

Banzai Enterprises Plants

Banzai Enterprises main plant is associated with the New Avalon Institute of Science. While under Combine control, the plant produced variants of their designs still, unlike many factories on New Avalon prior to the Reconquista. The companies limited finances did not allow them to sue the Combine government and use their insurance payments to shut down the plant. They were only paid a nominal fee for the use of their facilities by the DCMS, which they are suing for now that the planet is again in the hands of the Federated Suns.

Team Banzai’s secondary plant is on Northwind, where it remains semi-independent from any power in control of the planet. They are affiliated with the Northwind Highlanders on this planet, but the facility is much smaller. Two ‘Mech production line are active now, generally building Nightsky and Hatchetman. The remainder of the plant builds battle armors.

Team Banzai Security

Team Banzai, as a military outfit, died out during the Jihad. Corporate security for Banzai Enterprises, however, remained a top priority. Team Banzai Security has their own training facility on Northwind, where they act as aggressors to train Northwind Highlanders. Corporate security is expected to be as highly trained as the best house troop or mercenary outfit. While a lot of their forces use ‘mechs built by the company, they have agreements with corporations as well.

Banzai Enterprises, Federated Suns, Corporate Alliance

Team Banzai Security uses regular camo during operations, but their “parade colors” nowadays are simple brown-grey and white, with a touch of red.


Battle Armor


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