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Othar Wolf / Shaw

Also knownOthar Wolf
AffiliationWolf Empire
RankStar Colonel
Galaxy Commander
Title(s)Viceroy of the Empire

Star Colonel Othar was the highest ranked officer in the Wolf Empire after the conquest of Terra, and the one which was left to defend it with Alaric Ward having taken residence on Terra. A commander of little consequence, his position as a garrison cluster officer left him out of the Battle of Terra. As the news of the ilClan ascendance came, Othar quickly realized that the Wolf Empire was going to be left more or less defenseless as Alaric would need to concentrate on rebuilding his own force on Terra.

A Prelude to War

Star Colonel Othar looked at his options and decided to employ all the forces available to him, even those which were dezgra or “non-standard”, like paramilitary police, to rebuild the defense of the realm. Othar also made advances to more disreputable or down-on-their-luck mercenary outfits, sometimes promising them an actual position in the Wolf Warrior caste. Othar’s merchants also managed to get in contact with Clan Ghost Bear to purchase some “left-over” equipment. In a few months, what amounted to a reinforced cluster had turned into a Galaxy worth of BattleMechs and multiple units of more conventional weapons, like armor, VTOLs and infantry. This was also all the time which was given to Othar to prepare.

Three Prong Strike at the Empire

The biggest problem for the Wolf Empire was the revenge-seeking Wolf’s Dragoons, which struck at some key worlds and depots within the empire to steal key resources. Othar moved his troops to stop other strikes, but this opened the door to Fontaine Marik and Trillian Steiner’s own exploratory invasion of the Wolf Empire. Caught on three sides, Othar was not sure what to do, his own military expertise being limited, but he concentrated on protecting key worlds and factories within the Empire.

Relief came to the lone Wolf officer as Clan Nova Cat, formerly Spirit Cats, joined in the fight and started moving against the Steiner forces, asking they not be deployed to fight the FWLM due to their precarious position in the Clan Protectorate. With a new Galaxy (or so) of troops, Othar began concentrating more on fighting against the Marik incursions into his territory. Further support came from the reformed Clan Jade Falcon under Stephanie Chistu, which began fortifying various worlds against predatory assault.

Othar wanted to relinquish control of the defense of the Empire to Stephanie Chistu, which was much more experienced than he was, but the Falcon Khan refused as it was not her place to command the ilKhan’s own troops. Even when Miriam Shaw and the Omega Provisional Galaxy came to assist, Othar was given “full control” of the defense of the realm, as he was the one best in position to do so.

Hard won victories

With limited HPG coverage within the Empire, Othar relied heavily on Maersk Interstellar and Lloyd’s of New London to carry messages, which still gave him better communication than any of his opponents. House Marik was the first to break contact and send at least a cease-fire request, having been forced to mobilize their troops towards the Marian Hegemony instead. With the added pressure on the Lyran front, Othar was able to get Trillian Steiner and her attack dog, Roderick Steiner, to ease off the assaults, being ready to sacrifice a few worlds in the name of keeping the Empire together.

The last problem remained the Wolf’s Dragoons and Henry “Hack” Kincaid. Before taking on the task of eliminating the rogue mercenary outfit, Othar Wolf is met with Wolf Loremaster’s Aberdeen Mehta on Gienah, where he is allowed to take a “shortened” trial of bloodright, defeating one foe in a game of chess set by the Loremaster himself, using pieces that had belonged to Alexander Kerensky. Othar Shaw was then awarded the title of Protector of the Realm and given the rank of Galaxy Commander.

Galaxy Commander Othar Shaw tracked the Dragoons to Illion, fighting multiple skirmishes before cornering what was left of Kincaid’s forces there. After a plea by Henry Kincaid to explain his actions, Othar Shaw gave the Dragoon’s one final choice: join back with Clan Wolf or die on Illion. After giving amnesty to about a thousand Dragoon warriors and dependants, Othar Shaw and Stephanie Chistu mobilized their warships in orbit, and leveled the Dragoon remnants with an orbital bombardment.

Capellan-Star League War

As Viceroy, Othar Shaw commanded his own Galaxy along with 2 more at the start of the Capellan-Star League War. To make sure that no attacks would come from the Lyran side or Free Worlds side, Othar deployed his two provisional Galaxies on border worlds, while taking his own unit closer to the front line with the Capellan forces.

There, he was harassed and prodded by Capellan flankers and mercenaries, before being faced with the McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, led by Danai Liao-Centrella. Othar was again rescued by Miriam Shaw, but the former Wolf-In-Exile Khan died in action. Othar assists Anastasia Kerensky as she takes over command of Omega Galaxy, following her lead into “fighting dirty” against the Liao forces. While not instrumental to the defense of Terra and Sirius against the Capellan, Galaxy Commander Othar Shaw made sure the Wolf Empire did not shrink any more than it already did in the previous years of war.

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