Also known asIchaerus Wolf
Born14 January 3122
AffiliationClan Wolf
RankStar Colonel

Demeanor and description

Usually quiet. Observant, opportunistic, freeborn, protective. Carries a dark secret that only he and his wife Star Captain Aaryn Feng share. Smoker, has some cybernetics, wears a special metal leg brace to help him walk. Crusader ideology.


Ichaerus Ward is an anomaly amongst the Clans. A freeborn with direct genetic ties to the Ward house in Clan Wolf, and carries a Crusader bent to him. He tends to pick and choose which of the Clan traditions to adhere to, and which ones to discard. This has gotten him in trouble many times, with people often insinnuating that he is chalcas. He also tends to do many things “the hard way,” as he feels that he needs to claw and scrape for what he has earned.

In his first engagement, his first ever official combat operation, he was bested by the woman that would eventually care for him, and become not only his friend, but his wife. He had to suffer the embarassment of not just grave injuries, but losing his ‘Mech as isorla to a Capellan in a rusted, creaky Stalker. This was the secret that he and Aaryn share, as she was the one who piloted the Stalker. If anyone were to find out, it would bring ruin to the couple.

Soon after the doctor in the colony put him back together, and Aaryn begrudgingly nursed him back to health, the colony was waylaid by a small force of Jade Falcons. With Ichaerus’s help, Aaryn was able to defeat the small force, but the price was too much. The colony with its terraforming equipment was destroyed, along with Aaryn’s Stalker. The pair had to escape the world, and used Ichaerus’s Warhammer IIC to limp back to the Clan Wolf dropship.

Return to service

Over the next six years, the two climbed the ranks, with Aaryn joining Clan Wolf proper, and achieving the rank of Star Captain and the Feng Bloodname. Ichaerus gained the Star Colonel rank, command of the 8th Glacial Fangs Cluster, and barely won his Bloodname. Just before the Invasion of Terra. Both would perform honorably, and participate in the ilClan Trial.

After the ilClan Trial, Ichaerus was married to Aaryn by Alaric Ward in a somewhat private ceremony. The two volunteered the 8th Glacial Fangs to be deployed back into the Wolf Empire to do their part in assisting Star Colonel Othar’s beleagured situation.

Courage in the Wolf Empire

Ichaerus Ward served admirably in the defense of the Wolf Empire, assisting Miriam Shaw and Anastasia Kerensky‘s facing the FWLM and the now considered pirates Wolf’s Dragoons. Star Colonel Ichaerus Ward was one of the officer who noticed that the Marik forces were “not all there” during their offensive, showing the difference between Fontaine Marik (internal) and Nikol Marik (internal) partisans, which he reported to Loremaster Aberdeen Mehta (internal) on Gienah.

Ichaerus Ward participated in Othar Shaw’s Trial of Position for Galaxy Commander, where he powered down his Warhammer IIC in a sign of respect to the Stewart of the Empire. Othar rewarded Ichaerus for this action by granting his 8th Glacial Fang first pick of new BattleMechs available on Gienah.

Ichaerus Ward was present during the devastation of Illion which ended the Wolf’s Dragoons. With no special love for the mercenaries, he did accept the few which wanted to join Clan Wolf, even letting some join the 8th Glacial Fang after their Trial of Position.

Capellan – Star League War

The 8th Glacial Fang was assigned to Omega Galaxy at the start of the Capellan – Star League War, where he struggled in the fight against overwhelming force of the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces. After the death of Miriam Shaw, Ichaerus’s unit was reassigned to reinforce the Wolf Empire due to their more veteran status, where the 8th Glacial Fang had much more success.

Personal information

Ichaerus Ward has some minor cybernetics, including his left eye, and wears a special leg brace on his right leg to help him walk. Injuries he sustained that remain from his first ‘Mechfight where he met Aaryn. His body and face is covered in scars, but none of this has kept the Star Colonel from pushing forward with his ambitions. He also currently has a form of Enhanced Imaging installed, and is rarely seen without a lit cigarette.


Ichaerus Ward originally piloted an Incubus, but has later transferred to piloting a Warhammer IIC named “Avalanche”.