Fontaine Marik, circa 3152
0 7 mths

Fontaine Marik

AffiliationHouse Brett-Marik
Title(s)Duke of Tamarind-Abbey
ParentsPhoton Marik (father)
SpouseKarli Marik

Fontaine Marik is a clever man who’s political ambition are limited by his position in the new Free Worlds League. A politician first and a soldier second, every action he takes has a long-term ramification and serve as plans within plans. His relationship with Christopher Halas-Hughes is one such plan, same as his personal vendetta against the Lyran Commonwealth.

War against the Wolf Empire

Fontaine would have preferred the resources of the Free Worlds League Military be used against the Lyran Commonwealth, which he saw as bigger threat than the Wolves, but the easy picking of poorly defended worlds in the Empire as Alaric Ward took his forces to Terra was hard to resist. Fontaine was the primary initiator of the military action, preferring to ask for forgiveness than permission from the parliament, but Nikol Marik followed suite by mobilizing additional troops to the Wolf front. The campaign was somewhat successful, even though Wolf resistance quickly increased to a point where the FWLM had been fought to a standstill on multiple worlds. Fontaine Marik calculated the success of the operation as more political capital for himself and his protégé, Christopher Marik (born Halas-Hughes).

War of Marian Aggression

While the conflict against the Wolf Empire was getting bogged down, Fontaine expected clever movement of troops and negotiation to allow him to recover 3 to 5 more worlds for the League, but he then received a notification that he was blamed for the murder of Caesar Ignatius O’Reilly wife. Any protestation made by Fontaine only made him look more guilty, and a number of parliamentarians knew that the politically savvy and scheming Fontaine Marik could have paid for such a hit, which made it harder for him to defend himself.

While the FWLM mobilized to face the Marian advance, Fontaine began making openings to Ignatius O’Reilly, who no longer was convinced of Fontaine’s involvement in his wife’s death. The fighting between the Marian Armed Forces and FWLM ended when Fontaine Marik killed Mohamed Kilgore in a duel, Fontaine actually being surprised at how well his skill held up after years of not exercising them much.

A secret agreement between Fontaine Marik and Ignatius O’Reilly was signed later, where O’Reilly agreed to support Fontaine’s future political aspirations against the concession of a few worlds within the Marian sphere of influence. Fontaine’s plan is yet to come to fruition, but some of it seem to involve Christopher Marik and “reclaiming the Free Worlds League for true patriots”.

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