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Liao Jie Xu

Also knownJerome St.Jamais
AffiliationWolf’s Dragoons
Clan Wolf
Capellan Confederation
Steward of the Capellan Confederation

Liao Xie Ju, or Jerome St.Jamais, knew of his origin as a descendant of Kali Liao and Cameron St.Jamais, but never used his family ties to get anything in life, joining the Wolf’s Dragoons thanks to his skills as a MechWarrior. Piloting an older Awesome, “Jerome” was happy to simply travel the Inner Sphere and fight where he was needed, the “weight” of his birth never coming to bear.

Battle of Terra (3151)

Jerome St.Jamais was part of the Wolf’s Dragoons forces deployed during the Battle of Terra, where he served admirably but without much distinction. He was proud to get the ribbon for service during the fight for Terra, and unlike many of the Dragoons who were turned away by Alaric Ward, he kept the reward hidden amongst his personal effects.

War against the Wolf Empire

The Dragoons began their personal war against the Wolf Empire and Jerome St. Jamais was swept into it, serving in the reformed Zeta Battalion due to being a competent assault ‘Mech pilot. Following orders, he struck multiple Wolf outposts and served well in his new position, getting the rank of Sergeant.

As the Wolf Empire defense restructured itself and the Dragoons began being pushed back, St. Jamais remained loyal to the Dragoons as other began to flee or defect. When the Dragoons were finally cornered by the Jade Falcons and Wolf Empire forces, Jerome St.Jamais was one of the soldiers who accepted the offer to join with the Wolves forces. The destruction of the remaining Dragoons saddened the young man, but he understood what needed to be done.

Capellan-Star League War

Most of the former Wolf’s Dragoons were not trusted enough to be deployed anywhere near the Capellan-Star League front line, but as the war escalated, all the assets of Clan Wolf and their allies were engaged in the fighting. Serving as a MechWarrior in the Delta Galaxy, Jerome Wolf piloted a Regent and served with distinction on Sirius.

Capellan Collapse

With the death of Danai Liao-Centrella, Daoshen Liao retreated from the front of the Capellan-Star League War, before being “taken into custody” of the Maskirovka, who had to look for a new leader for the Capellan state, as Ilsa Centrella-Liao and Tormano Liao’s grand-child, Liao Xiaolin, both were vying for the position. It was Chance Vickers who “chanced” upon Jerome St. Jamais – Wolf’s genetic legacy and approached him to make his own claim for the position. With the support of the New Star League, Liao Jie Xu was escorted to Sian by McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, where he proved his heritage and prepared to sign an armistice with the New Star League, which was happily agreed to by the noble houses of the Capellan Confederation as Liao Jie Xu took the role of Steward of the Confederation.

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