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Trillian Steiner-Davion

Also known asTrillian Steiner
AffiliationHouse Steiner-Davion
ParentsHanse Steiner-Davion (father)

Trillian Steiner time as the Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth has been difficult. She has fought a few rebellions, open insurrection and the breaking away of a few regions of her realm. As the Battle of Terra ended, she wasn’t sure what to do with her commonwealth. Looking at her Estates Generals and Commonwealth Council, she was given the choice between keeping control of the Commonwealth and striking out against the Wolves.

War against the Wolf Empire

Trillian kept herself distant from the actual military action against the Wolf Empire by the LCAF, but authorizing her generals to use limited means to recapture key worlds and strengthen their position in the Inner Sphere. A portion of the LCAF was also kept in reserve to defend against potential strikes from the Timbuktu Collective and Vesper Marches. Trillian’s apparent non-comital angered a few Lyran nobles, but the shrewd woman knew she needed to ensure her position as the head of House Steiner to deny Alaric Ward’s own claim to the Archon throne. Looking at the corporate entities in her territory, Trillian also expanded the investments of the Lyran leadership into various larger entities which guaranteed they would support her claim over Alaric’s.

Capturing and holding a few worlds. Trillian sent a peace treaty to Gienah, which was the first document signed by a Bloodnamed Othar Shaw. The Empire was happy to stop the combat coreward even though it meant losing a few, lesser value worlds to their “rightful owners”. Trillian Steiner was still celebrated by her people and the nobles of the Commonwealth.

Chase of Vedet Brewer

The former Duke of Hesperus had been a torn in the side of Trillian Steiner, and with the peace deal signed with the Wolves, she began concentrating on eliminating the former Archon. Roderick Steiner was ordered mobilize the Stormhammers to recapture the Vesper Marches, which he happily did. While the operation did not recapture all the worlds in the Vesper Marches as Jiyi Chistu, under order of his Khan Stephanie Chistu, had been ordered to do the same, the more critical worlds of the region were reclaimed by the Lyran throne.

Vedet Brewer unfortunately escaped the collapsing Vesper Marches and moved to the Timbuktu Collective, towards which Trillian now concentrated her attention, but as pressure from the Free Worlds League and Marian Hegemony grew, couldn’t redeploy Roderick to the area.

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