Also known asRoderick Frost
AffiliationHouse Borge-Steiner
RankGeneral of the Armies
ParentsFrederick Steiner (father)
Roderick Steiner, circa 3145

General of the Armies Roderick Steiner is serving as the attack dog to his cousin Trillian Steiner (internal) right after the ilClan trial. House Steiner has many issues with dukes and barons trying to break away, important nobles preferring to remain independent or not pledging their support to the Archon. Roderick and his Broken Swords serve as reminder for those lost sheeps that the Archon is still strong, and that the Archon will take the necessary actions to protect and reclaim her realm.

War against the Wolf Empire

With the fall of Terra, the LCAF military knew the Wolf Empire would now be lightly defended. Trillian Steiner was not ready to strike out at her “cousin”’s realm as she remembered how dangerous the Wolves could be, but pressure from the Estates General forced her hand. She entrusted the operation, dubbed Operation COURAGE, to Roderick Steiner, giving him enough resources to perform a heavy assault and hopefully recover a few worlds that used to belong to the Lyran crown. Roderic Steiner’s primary opposition during Operation COURAGE was Clan Nova Cat and their new Khan, Rikkard (internal). The Nova Cats refusing to fight on the Marik front, they concentrated their presence core ward, where Rikkard and Roderick developed a healthy rivalry, with neither wanting to eliminate the other, preferring trading shots in a “healthy manner”. Roderick played heavily to the Clan’s way of fighting, issuing batchall to local defenders in a way to reduce losses on his side and prevent useless loss of life on the opposing side as well

With pressure from the Estate General and Council dissipating, Roderick winded down the operation, having successfully recovered a few worlds for the Crown, while at the same time not causing enough damage as to arise the anger of the Wolves and their allies, which had been Roderick (and Trillian’s) plan all along.

Hunting the traitor

Roderick’s next mission was much simpler: bring Vedet Brewer (internal) to justice. Gathering the Broken Swords, Roderick moved to the Vesper Marches. Without losing time, Roderick began mass assault on any location where Brewer was marshalling troops, assisting at the same time Star Captain Jiyu Chistu (internal) who was also ordered to retake the lost worlds for Clan Jade Falcon. 6 of the 9 worlds were reclaimed for the Lyran Commonwealth, including the capital world of Melissia. Unfortunately, Brewer escaped and moved to the Timbuktu Collective.

War against the Horses

Roderick Steiner readied his men for a strike at the other end of the Lyran space, but Trillian came to him with a proposition: after the defeat of Clan Hell’s Horses on Yorii, their new Khan, Fulk Lassenarra (internal) was sure to attempt another strike at Clan Wolf, who was pinned by the renewed attacks from the Capellan Confederation. As a gesture of goodwill, the LCAF would be striking at worlds which used to belong to the Lyran Commonwealth, again to regain worlds, with the blessings of the Wolf Empire and Clan Jade Falcon. This arrangement, put together by Chance Vickers (internal) through communications by Lloyd’s of New London, was interesting, and Roderick was happy to oblige.

With 3 regimental combat teams under his command, Roderick Steiner made headway in Hell’s Horses space, reclaiming several worlds against a disorganized Clan. Rasalhague Dominion forces assisted the Steiner command on a few worlds as well, leaving the Hell’s Horses in a far worse position than they had been only a few years earlier.