AffiliationDraconis Combine
Sixth Arkab Legion
Azami Brotherhood
Holy man / Mystic
Omar Bin Mohammed, Azami Brotherhood, 6th Arkab Legion

Omar Bin Mohammed

Omar Bin Mohammed was a holy man serving in the DCMS as commanding offier of the 6th Arkab Legion. He had a vision of Arkab and other Azami worlds burning in nuclear fire and refused to provide troops to the offensive against the Federated Suns in 3145. For the next 8 years, Omar Bin Mohammed wrote a treatise on the Quran and a resume of his visions.

Azami Independence Movement

While Omar Bin Mohammed was loyal to the Dragon, his actions showed otherwise. Most of his visions and discussions were about how the Azami were losing their way serving the Coordinator. Another set of writings discussed the destruction of the Azami homelands by nuclear fire due to their hatred of “the other”. From 3150 onwards, Bin Mohammed held peace rally and had strong pacifist views regarding the Federated Suns and Rasalhague Dominion. Combined with his 6th Arkab was now also a group of religious fanatics who were ready to defend him.

Before the Capellan – Star League War and the actions of Clan Ghost Bear against the Combine, the Sixth Bear Regulars landed on Arkab, with nobody answering their batchall. They were surprised to meet with a full BattleMech regiment and multiple groups of “irregulars”, none of which wanted to fight against them. This first act is what motivated the commander of Theta Galaxy, Timon Hall (internal), to start discussing “Azami independence” with the locals.

The Azami Independence movement grew quickly, especially with the concessions the Ghost Bears were ready to make for a border state with the Combine. While not a political leader, many Azami leaders built their new image around what Omar was doing.

Due to the lack of response from the Arkab Legion to the needs of the Combine, Theodore Ichiriu (internal) landed his 1st Sword of Light on Arkab and challenged Omar Bin Mohammed to a fight. While his followers were ready to fight for him, the older man took the field in his antiquated Orion. At the end of the duel, Omar Bin Mohammed had become a martyr for the cause of the Azami Independence Movement.


The Azami Brotherhood requests a minute of silence a day for the death of Omar Bin Mohammed, usually observed after the setting of the main sun of whichever planet an Azami reside.


The Azami Holy Man piloted an ON1-V Orion with minor modifications.

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