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Mori Hawker

AffiliationClan Sea Fox
ProfessionMerchant MechWarrior

Mori Hawker has been instrumental in Alaric Ward’s capture of Terra, facilitating the procurement of war materiel by the new ilKhan with a combination of long-term loans and deals which didn’t benefit the Sea Fox as much as other members of his clan would have wanted. His saKhan, Petr Kalasa, was opposed to many of those deals as they placed the Foxes in a subservient position to Clan Wolf. The power plays between the two men continued after the Battle of Terra, with each man trying to pull other ovKhan into their own circle of influence, but neither man wanted to turn this into an actual “shooting Trial” between their two groups.

War in the Reaches

The Lone Aimag is the organization of the Sea Fox responsible for trade in the Periphery in general, and specifically in the rim-ward region, between the Duchy of Andurien and the Calderon Protectorate. Composed mainly of dezgra warriors and merchants, the Lone Aimag has had great success since the early 3120s, especially providing large amounts of armor compound, heat sinks and autocannons to the Fox factories throughout the Inner Sphere. Neither Hawker or Kalasa cared much for the Lone, and their ovKhan, Andrew Yung, cared nothing for “Inner Sphere politicking” between the two men.

This unfortunately came to an end when one of Yung’s tradeship was impounded by the Froncian military in what would be the start of the War of the Reaches. Getting news of this from Yung himself as he used some of his corporate contacts to relay the information as quickly as possible, Mori Hawker took this as a personal slight against Clan Sea Fox rather than a matter which could be handled by a single ovKhan and mobilized all forces available to him to support the Aurigan Trade Alliance in their fight.

Hawker himself would not fight “directly” in the war as he commanded his troops from his warship, but his presence on the front made several local leaders somewhat uncomfortable, showing the deep integration of the Lone Aimag with the Aurigan Trade Alliance and two Taurian powers. It also taught Mori Hawker just how much war materiel the Aurigan Trade Alliance had provided to the capture of Terra, along with their own “eugenics program”. A full report on the situation was ordered by Hawker to Andrew Yung, who complied more than the Khan expected, but rather than providing it exclusively to him, a copy was also sent to the ilKhan. Hawker was also given the specifications for multiple weapon systems being produced by Yung Weaponry, Yung’s personal “passion project”, passing them on to Clan Wolf, Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar through Mori Hawker’s hands.

Capellan-Star League War

As the Capellan forces pushed towards Terra, Alaric Ward called for all the members of his new Star League to come to his assistance. Petr Kalasa was first to respond by giving the ilKhan a preferential rate on all purchases through Clan Sea Fox, combined with guaranteeing the logistics chain through the Wolf Empire to Terra. This was a small powerplay, with Kalasa trying to show he could outtrade Hawker, but the Khan of the Sea Foxes replied by bidding a pair of Galaxies to the defense of the Star League. Both these military outfits had been reequipped and rearmed with Periphery equipment provided by Flanagan’s Repair and Refits, including some brand new designs never seen in the Inner Sphere.

Mori Hawker went to support Alaric Ward on New Earth against a flanking attach by the CCAF, led by House Hiritsu. Hawker’s troops proved key to the defense of the planet, especially in organizing defensible location for the civilian population, which made both Clan Sea Fox and Clan Wolf popular with the local government. Hawker was critically injured while defending an orphanage and while he is rescued by a unit of the Wolf’s Alpha Galaxy, his injuries are too far gone for even Clan technology to allow a recovery.

Hawker would prefer dying to his current state and accepts a trial of position against Petr Kalasa, but under the eye of Alaric Ward, neither man go further than accepting the surrender of the other man.

Minister of Trade

While Mori Hawker thought he would “retire” as a useless old man, the ilKhan gives him the opportunity to use his merchant abilities to better than entire Star League, restoring the position of Minister of Trade within the Star League. No longer a warrior, but not quite a merchant, Mori Hawker began looking at the Star League’s books and connected with the corporate entities which have already pledged their support to the New Star League.

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