AffiliationClan Hell’s Horses
RanksaKhan Khan
Fulk Lassenerra, at the Battle of Yorii

Fulk Lassenerra had a problem at the start of the ilKhan era, namely Gottfried Amirault (internal). His ambition was growing after the failure of his Khan to “join in” the Battle of Terra, but he also knew Gottfried’s popularity was still high amongst his warriors. Even with Gottfried’s illness, Lassenerra wasn’t sure if Peter Cobb would be able to win the position due to his inherent popularity. Fulk’s planning didn’t take long before it was no longer needed, however.

Fulk Lassenerra at the Battle of Yorii

With the fall of the Fortress Wall, Amirault restarted Operation STAMPEDE and moved his touman towards Earth, challenging Alaric Ward to a Trial of Possession for Terra, against Fulk’s counsel to simply rush in and claim their prize. Clan Wolf agreed to meet with the Hell’s Horses on nearby Yorii, where they would fight for the ilKhanship. Fulk effectively bid for his Galaxy to be part of the Trial, along with his friend and confidant, Galaxy Commander Patricia DeLaurel. Fulk Lassenerra was stuck fighting Max Ergen (internal) more than the other Wolf officers on Yorii, which increased his frustration at how unclan-like the Wolves were behaving.

Lassenerra witnessed Gottfried Amirault’s death from the air as he flew over the duel arena setup by his khan and Alaric Ward. While he felt some anger at the situation, he realized that this was the best outcome for the old Khan, even though it doomed their fight for Yorii. Fulk Lassenerra was elected as Khan of the Hell’s Horses by acclamation after returning to the Hell’s Horses main force, naming Patricia DeLaurel as his saKhan, bypassing Peter Cobb altogether.

Problem at home

The new Khan immediately started planning for strikes against the Wolves in a new bid for Terra, but he received news that the Lyran Commonwealth forces, led by Roderick Steiner (internal), were moving in. Trying to mobilize a defense, Fulk was also faced with challenges to his leadership by radical elements of the Hell’s Horses who now wanted to join the new Star League. Wanting a quick win to cement his leadership, Khan Fulk Lassenerra met with the main Steiner force on Trell. In a decisive battle, the Hell’s Horses pushed back Roderick’s forces.

Unfortunately for the embattled Khan, the next challenge came from the Rasalhague Dominion, who understood that Clan Wolf and the ilClan could not fight both the Capellan and the Hell’s Horses. Khan Dalia Bekker (internal) started pushing on the frontier of the Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone, not in an attempt to conquer worlds, but simply to force the Horses to defend their worlds and resources. Lassenerra was kept on the defensive until the end of the Capellan – Star League War, never able to make a new push towards Terra.