Born6 June 3108
AffiliationHouse Liao-Centrella
Title(s)Duchess of Castrovia
Arena Gladiator
ParentsDaoshen Liao (father)
Ilsa Centrella (mother)

Danai Liao counseled her father, and Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, Daoshen Liao, against attacking Terra recklessly as she took over command of McCarron’s Armored Cavalry. Waiting for Clan Wolf to stumble, her father build up his military and positioned them on worlds towards the core of the Inner Sphere, with his “daughter” mobilizing her own division closer to the Wolf Empire’s border. Danai was happy for peace and quiet, at least, as much as could be given to a military leader in the CCAF.

And the Wall Fell

This calm was not going to last. Suddenly, in early 3153, the Fortress Wall protecting Terra fell, leaving Terra wide open for an attack. Danai Liao sent an entreaty to her father to delay any military action, in hope that whatever peace there was between the Wolves and House Liao would remain. Daoshen’s response is to mobilize the BigMAC to start probing attacks against Clan Wolf’s assets on neighboring worlds. Danai Liao began her offensive on the planet of Pollux and Graham, where she faced the newly reformed Clan Smoke Jaguar. For a few months, both military outfits played a game of cat and mouse on most surrounding worlds, with strike and counter-strikes.

Danai Liao during the Capellan-Star League War

With the end of the Battle of Yorii and the defeat of Clan Hell’s Horses bid for Terra, the Wolves mobilized more troops to the Capellan front. In response, Daoshen Liao named Danai Liao as High Marshall, and she begins Operation BURNING BRIDGE, where the Liao forces would bog down the new Star League troops on Sirius, limiting damage to Terra. In response, while his forces are resupplying and repairing, Alaric Ward dispatched the Omega Galaxy, led by Miriam Shaw (internal). The early battles were brutal, with both sides wanting a quick resolution to the conflict. In an engagement in a canyon, Danai Liao and Miriam Shaw meet. The battle lasts for a short while but ends with Danai Liao with a minor injury and Miriam Shaw dead.

High Marshall Liao then fights Anastasia Kerensky, who replaced Miriam Shaw as commander of the Star League army on Sirius. Wolf reinforcement from the various other Clans bog down the fight on the planet, making it much slower than Danai would have wanted. Her command of the war on Sirius is cut short at the beginning of 3154 as her brother/father Daoshen decides to take control of the offensive himself. Danai is then ordered to go back to deep strikes and raids on Star League and Wolf Empire assets. In response, the Star League leadership mobilizes his saKhan, Chance Vickers (internal), to stalk the “heir to the Confederation”.

Even though she performs multiple effective raids, political pressure from the Capellan capital and other major worlds make Danai more and more cautious in what she does, especially with more and more Free Capella elements apparently having infiltrated the CCAF. She is caught on Castor waiting for dropship support to leave the planet, but her ships are destroyed by Chance Vickers’s warship before Anastasia Kerensky corners her and her command. Danai Liao is killed after challenging the Black Widow to a duel, with promise that the rest of her unit would be allowed safe passage off-world.