AffiliationClan Sea Fox Travelers
Position(s)Galaxy Commander CEO
Andrew Yung, circa 3152

Andrew Yung is the man who is proud to serve Clan Sea Fox in the Lone Aimag, which is always viewed as the most dezgra organization in the whole Clan. The original role of the Lone Aimag, was to trade with the rim ward periphery and the small local powers. Andrew Yung heavily invested on improving the trade patterns in the Aurigan Reach, Froncian Reach and Taurian Duality. Even before being named Galaxy Commander / ovKhan of the Lone Aimag, Andrew Yung became heavily involved with Flanagan’s Repair and Refits. Once having taken over the Aimag, Yung expanded his relationship with them.

Battle of Terra and ilClan trial

During the crescendo towards the ilClan Trial and the Battle of Terra, Andrew Yung provided an armor components (mainly ferro-fibrous and ferro-lamellor) along with hyper assault gauss and autocannons to Clan Wolf. Those were sourced from his own new facilities in the rim ward periphery (Yung Weaponry) and Flanagan’s. Andrew Yung also wrote a notice to the ilKhan to explain the existence of the Aurigan Trade Alliance and the benefits they would give to the ilClan, bypassing Mori Hawker (internal) or Petr Kalasa (internal), in a bid to keep his position in the Lone Aimag.

War in the Reaches

Andrew Yung was integral in the start of the War of the Reaches, as one of his ships being impounded was the cause of the trade war turning into a shooting war. Yung’s Galaxy was mobilized to recover the lost goods and ships, generally in support of the Aurigan Armed Forces as they had shared objectives. Khan Mori Hawker, understanding that the loss of the supply line with the rim ward periphery would hurt the Sea Fox and the new Star League, mobilized his own arcship and support units to assist Yung, but also to evaluate what Yung had been doing in the Reaches.

To keep his independence, Andrew Yung basically opened his books to Mori Hawker while also increasing his military support to the AAF for a quick resolution to the situation. Hawker was impressed with Andrew Yung’s commercial acumen, but Hawker also made sure that his own supporters would replace many of Yung’s “lower officers” to keep a closer eye on him.

Defense of Artru and Blooding

The first military action Andrew Yung was part of after War of the Reaches was the defense of Artru against a raid performed by what appeared to be the Word of Blake, which the Flanagan’s Highwaymen had been chasing throughout the Periphery for the last few years. A similar strike was underway on Taurus at the time, which puzzled both Yung and the CEO of Flanagan’s. The fight lasted a few weeks, and the sacrifice Andrew Yung made for the Flanagan’s led to them letting him joining their own group of “travelers”, a ritual acceptation to their own family.

Capellan – Star League War

As the Capellan were fighting towards Terra with most of their forces, this left their rim ward border lightly defended, to which a few planets in the Confederation to buy-in heavily in the Aurigan Trade Alliance protection scheme, up to the point some of those worlds wanting to join either the Fronc Reaches or Aurigan Trade Alliance. Andew Yung’s Galaxy moved to support the new Star League at the same time by striking various supply depots along the rim ward border and disrupting the supply lines of the Capellan Confederation.