Dramatis Personae, placeholder
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Dramatis Personae War for Terra Again

Dramatis Personae War for Terra Again gives us the list of the main characters involved in the renewed push for Terra by Clan Hell’s Horses and the Capellan Confederation, along with the conflict between the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns.

Clan Wolf and the New Star League

Clan Thunder Boar

Clan Smoke Jaguar

Clan Sea Fox

Clan Jade Falcon

Clan Ghost Bear

  • Galaxy Commander Esbern Rand (original character)
  • Galaxy Commander Ingvill Magnusson (sarna link)
  • Galaxy Commander Sjur Isakson (sarna link)

Clan Snow Raven

Clan Hell’s Horses

Capellan Confederation

Lyran Commonwealth

Draconis Combine

Federated Suns

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