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Battletech Vengeance

Project listing

Technical Readouts

  • Technical Readout: Star League and Inner Sphere Clans
    • 14 new ‘Mechs, variants and configurations
    • 8 new VTOLAM (with the Locust VTOLAM)
    • 12 Republican IIC ‘mechs for Garrison duty
    • 12 new vehicles or variants
    • 6 new Protomechs
  • Technical Reaout: Warring States of the Inner Sphere
    • 26 new ‘Mechs, variants and configurations
    • 8 new VTOLAM (with the Locust VTOLAM)
    • 12 new vehicles or variants
  • Technical Readout: Wolverine Union
    • Soldiers of Vengeance and Rules of War
    • 32 new ‘Mechs, variants and configurations
    • 16 new vehicles or variants
    • 9 new Protomechs
  • Technical Readout: Corporate Security
    • 32 new ‘Mechs, variants and configurations
    • 6 new Protomechs
    • 6 new Battlearmors and power suits

Some guidelines on design and basic lore.

Conflict Zones

  • Tamar Hinterlands and Wolf Empire (3151 to 3152)
    • Old Falcons VS New Falcons
    • The Wolf Empire Stands Strong
    • Marian War of Aggression
  • War of the Reaches (3152-3153)
    • Prelude to War
    • War of the Reaches proper
    • Formation of the Rimward Alliance
  • War for Terra 3: The Return of the War for Terra (3153-3154)
    • Hell’s Horse Trial of Possession
    • Capellan push for Terra
    • Kurita and Davion vying for support of the Star League
  • Union vs Goliath (3155)
    • Wolverine Union’s plot begins in earnest
    • Empire vs Empire, the Rim Worlds Return
    • Raven Alliance fight against the Viper and Mandrill
  • Hegemonic Wars (3156-3158)
    • Clan Ice Hellion attack on the Marian Hegemony
    • Clan Blood Spirit attack on the Filvelt Coalition
    • Clan Burrock attack on the Timbuktu Collective
  • Into the Future (3159-3162)
    • Third Star League Consolidation and Corporate ingerence
    • Andurien-Canopian merger
    • New Calderon Concordat
  • The Homeworlds Crash (3162-3164)
    • The Wolverine Union against the Homeworlds
    • The 3rd Star League Olive Branch


Fiction section

Wolverine Union

Rimward Alliance

New Star League

Corporate Warfare