Critical Hits, GI Joe
0 10 mths

Critical hit mitigation

Critical hits are a fact of life in Battletech, and make the game gritty. The thing is, though, in a good “pulpy heroic story“, this can cause some issues. As both the players and the Game master have to keep at least some characters alive, you need some options in order to do so, along with keeping those named characters in the fight longer since they are your main heroes and villains.

Critical Hits in the GI Joe RPG crossover

You can help your character mitigate critical hits in two ways:

  • Before the attack roll is made by your opponent, you can spend 1 Story Point. For the remainder of this attack, all critical rolls suffer a -3.
  • When you actually take a critical hit, you can spend 1 Story point. The effect of this critical hit is ignored.

When your character or a game master controlled named character would die, the following happens:

  • Cockpit hits / Head-blown off destroy the ‘mech, but the pilot is automatically “safe” by giving 1 Story point to the opposing party (Player to GM, GM to Player, Player to Player in the case of a regular game).
  • If a pilot would die from their Conciousness hit track being filled out, they are instead considered to be knocked out and need some rest and recovery to get back on their feet.