0 10 mths
Rock N Roll, GI Joe heavy gunner

Craig Simon McConnel


GI Joe, Kell Hounds


Mechwarrior, E-8

Rock N Roll Biographical information

Place of birth

Arc Royal

Physical description







Eye color


Rock N Roll Background

Craig McConnel was born and raised as part of the Kell Hounds mercenary outfit, begining his service with them piloting a customized Locust equipped only with machine guns his father salvaged off a Combine war criminal. As a member of one of the premiere mercenary outfit in the Inner Sphere, he worked his way up in the enlisted ranks, securing himself a HBK-4G after winning a poker game which went his way against a pirate leader in the periphery. This was before he was recruited by General Abernathy to be part of his special forces unit, where he became the go-to guy in regards to ballistics weapon. During their operations against the Clans, Rock ‘n Roll got a reputation amongst the Jade Falcon warriors as a terrifying warrior that always took on bigger threats than his own ‘mech.

In his off days, Craig spends a lot of time tuning guitars, electric bass and setting up drums. His love of old Terran rock and roll music is not detered by the fact most of the other Joes are not very well versed in it, and he can discuss Elvis Presley and Iron Maiden with the best of them, while also being able to play most songs of the late 20th century by ear. His talents at poker are legendary as well, something he cultivated during his time with the Hounds, even though it is mostly banned within the Joes themselves.


  • Craig “Rock ‘n Roll” McConnel pilots a custom Hunchback / Hunchback IIC hybrid called “ROCKNROLL“.
  • Mech skills: Gunnery 1, PIloting 3
  • Battlearmor skills: Skill 2
  • Pilot skill: Antagonizer, Weapon Specialist (RAC/5)