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Felix “Mercer” Phillip Stratton




GI Joe, Formerly Cobra


Mechwarrior, agitator, Corporal (E-4)

Mercer’s Biographical information

Marital status


Date of birth

09 August 3036

Place of birth

Cienfuegos, New Delos, Free Worlds League

Physical description







Eye color


Mercer’s Background

Mercer started out as a gang member on New Delos where he learned the ropes of crime, poor leadership and being bullied by stronger people. It didn’t take much for him to join Cobra, seeing a single recruitment add by Major Bludd and wanting out of a life which was leading him straight to prison. Of course, joining Cobra wasn’t much better, but he got training as Viper and as mechwarrior due to his incredible hand-eye coordination.

Mercer was never too happy with his position in Cobra, but it was a job, it was secure and he was getting free room and board. When his unit got into it with the Joes led by Sgt. Slaughter on a routine mission, most of his Lance was devastated and he was left for dead by Cobra Commander. Captured, Mercer decided that rather than rot in a jail cell on an unmarked planet while getting interogated, he would find a way to join the Joes.

It took him a little while, but in transit to the interogation room, he impressed Robert Remus with a combination of guts, quick thinking and bargaining ability. The first of the Renegades, Mercer welcomes the new recruits to the Slaughterhouse and gives them their first taste of Slaughter Boot Camp. Many of the Joes don’t trust him still and think his allegiance is dubious at best, but he is fiercely loyal to Sgt. Slaughter.


  • Mercer pilots a customized Enfield, “Atropos
  • Mech skills: Gunnery 3, Piloting 3
  • Battlearmor skill: 3