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Alison “Lady Jaye” Romi Hart-Burnett

Lady Jaye, GI Joe


Lady Jaye


Husband: Flint, Daughter: Marissa


GI Joe, Tiger Patrol, formerly ISF


Mechwarrior, Covert Operative, Staff Sergeant (E-6)

Lady Jaye’s Biographical information

Marital status


Date of birth

17 February 3028

Place of birth

Dieron, Draconis Combine

Physical description





Eye color


Lady Jaye’s Background

Alison Romi Hart-Burnett comes from a family of First Succession War Davion defectors who joined the Draconis Combine. While the Hart family never had hopes of climbing in the social ladder, luck would have it that the whole family had incredible skills in mimicry and espionage, which led them into joining the ISF generation over generation. Alison joined like all the other members of the family but was “at the bottom” of the totem pole as the 4th children in the family. In 3046, after completing her training, Alison joined a team infiltrating an international terrorist organization, where she started learning about Cobra. After a year working on their target, the ISF team struck the Cobra headquarters, meeting with the GI Joe team which had been captured by their enemy.

While most of the ISF strike team returned to their regular appointments, a few members caught the eye of General Hawk , including Lady Jaye. Gunji-No-Kanrei Theodore Kurita agreed to have the DCMS participate in the hunt for Cobra, allowing his men and women to join the Joe team. Lady Jaye was happy to do so, especially as it allowed her to move forward in the hierarchy rather than being held back in the Combine military. Her talents in infiltration, combined with her combat prowess, made her an important new recruit.

After proving herself to Duke, Lady Jaye was given command of a lance, nicknamed “Tiger Force”, which was meant to be a long-range deployment and infiltration unit. In their first mission, they rescued Flint, which at first had a rocky relationship with the Combine woman before the two started a stable relationship. Lady Jaye had a child named Marissa after the Battle of Tukayyid, who now resides within The Pit.


  • Lady Jaye pilots an Aurigan-style Javelin named “My Fair Lady
  • Skills: Gunnery 2, Piloting 3