General Hawk

Clayton M. Abernathy


General Hawk


GI Joe


O-7 Brigadier General

Biographical information

Place of birth

Denver, Colorado, Terra

Physical description







Eye color


General Hawk’s Biography

Clayton “General Hawk” Abernathy’s parents refused to have their son grow up to just be another ComStar acolyte, and as soon as they could, immigrated to New Avalon and enrolled him in the prestigious NAIS College of Military Science, where he graduated just in time for the beginning of the War of 3039. In a crack company of battlemechs associated with the First Argyle Lancers, Abernathy gained the nickname Hawk for his incredible visual accuity and accuracy with long-range missiles. He quickly climbed the ranks to a position as a Captain. before his life took a turn for the strange.

After the War of 3039, Captain Abernathy was approched by MIIO and LOKI to form a new crack team of anti-terrorist special forces whose role would be to protect the entire Inner Sphere from terrorists threats from a foreign entity known as Cobra-La. As he learned about them and started building his team, the Clan Invasion threw a wrench in the whole operation, as his task force went from a generally an AFFC task force to a true multinational force, after working with the 1st Somerset Strikers in a daring rescue of the people of Somerset from Jade Falcon slavery.

Now as Cobra-La’s power is growing and the Clans are fighting again against the free people of the Inner Sphere, Hawk has to lead his men to action once again! As the commanding officer of the Joes, he will rarely take the field directly, but will support the various field teams best he can from various mobile command centers. This is not to say he is not ready to get down and dirty if things go sideways, and he keeps his ‘mech skills up to date at all time.

General Hawk’s Battlemech

  • Clayton “General Hawk” Abernathy pilots an highly-customized ARC-2W “Golden Hawk“.
  • Battlemech skills: Gunnery: 2, Piloting: 1
  • Battlearmor skills: Skill 3