0 9 mths

David Larry “Bazooka” Wolf “Katzenbogen”


Bazooka, Sergeant Bazooka


GI Joe, formerly Clan Wolf


Mechwarrior, E-5 Sergeant

Bazooka’s Physical description


Mechwarrior Phenotype





Eye color


Bazooka’s Biography

Bazooka began his career has a mechwarrior for Clan Wolf, a member of the Winson bloodname fo no real importance. During his trial of position, he realized very quickly that a simple Elemental could easily destroy a ‘mech with some talent and luck, leading him to focus heavily on anti-infantry warfare and support roles. As operation REVIVAL began, David Wolf served under Ulric Kerensky’s Galaxy with some distinction, but never achieving anything of major note. It wasn’t until the Battle of Tukayyid that David Wolf really made a name for himself, covering the retreat of his allies in his Naga fire support battlemech as they were getting swarmed by hordes of ComStar light vehicles.

Left behind in a barely functional machine, the GI Joe rescued Bazooka from a Cobra ambush, and he handed himself in as bondsman to the Inner Sphere special forces team. Appreciative for the help, the Joes adopted him and gave him both his new nickname, and a surname taken from his love of various felines that were kept by Mamie Lafitte.

Bazooka is the quiet type, generally speaking in single words, but not because he is slow or uneducated, but because he generally just tries to be as concise as possible on all things after his service with Clan Wolf. He has taken the habit to chew gum at almost all times. It was not the only thing he learned from “Inner Sphere” life, learning how to fish “for fun” rather than just for survival.


  • Bazooka pilots a Naga II named “Big Bertha”, generally in configuration A.
    • Big Bertha was Bazooka’s original Naga which was rebuilt by the Joes, not knowing that they were actually following other plans and designs provided by Bazooka.
  • Mech stats: Gunnery 2, Piloting 3
  • Battlearmor stats: Skill 2
  • Infantry stat: Skill 2