0 10 mths
Serpentor, GI Joe, Animated

Serpentor Kaczuk


Stefan Amaris II, Khan of Khans


Cobra, Clan Cloud Cobra


Warlord, Mechwarrior, Shadow Khan

Serpentor’s Biographical information

Date of birth

2 February 3031

Place of birth

Homer, Clan Cloud Cobra

Physical description


Cobra-La Hybrid





Eye color


The end result of a crazy experiment by Clan Cloud Cobra scientists, Serpentor Cloud Cobra quickly became a Ristar and subsequently won a blood name for himself before he knew his true identity, as the ultimate warrior and conqueror to serve under the Cobra-La to make mankind their slaves. Dr. Mindbender used the genetic material of the most powerful warriors and conquerors in history to create Serpentor rather than the standard Clan eugenics process, but made sure to include the ULTIMATE conqueror to the mix: Stefan Amaris! While this would normally discredit any attempts he has at ruling the Clans, genetic material from Natasha Kerensky was also used in the mix to give him a stronger claim as a descendant of the Kerensky. Having put a trigger in Serpentor’s mind for the memory of all those great warriors to trigger once Cobra needed him most, Mindbender activated Serpentor after the failure of Operation REVIVAL to lead the Clan forces loyal to Cobra.

Serpentor often comes in conflict with Cobra Commander as both men want the same thing, namely to rule humanity with a iron fist. The two do work together to fight the GI Joes and their allies, but Serpentor is always ready to betray Thomas Marik to further his own goals or to save his own life.


  • Serpentor pilots a special configuration of the Blood Asp called “Serpentwise”
  • Mech skill: Gunnery 2, Piloting 2
  • Battlearmor: Skill 2
  • Serpentor is know to use a customized Corona battle armor as well.