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Major Bludd, GI Joe, Comics

Sebastian “Major Bludd” Jerome Bluud


Primus Aldorel


Cobra, formerly ComStar


Major (O-4), Mechwarrior, Former ComGuard prPrius

Major Bludd’s Biographical information

Marital status


Place of birth

Sydney, Australia

Physical description







Eye color

Only 1, black

Major Bludd’s Background

Born in Australia on Terra, Sebastian Jerome Bludd was destined to become a ComGuard officer from a young age as a psychopath with a talent for command and fighting. While his career was generally glorious, he became disillusioned with ComGuard after the Battle of Tukayyid and decided to “go public” as a mercenary. As with many rather deranged individuals, most people didn’t want to touch his unit until Cobra began giving him more and more lucrative job offers. With no scruples, very little morals and a penchant for grand-standing, Major Bludd is one of the main “face” of Cobra to the general public, even appearing on some Trideo shows to promote the ideology of Cobra. He shouldn’t be discounted as just a face however, he is a ruthless commander who cares more about getting paid then anything else, except maybe poetry, which he loves but is rather terrible at.


  • Major Bludd pilots a customized Victor called “Lawson”, after an old Terran Australian poet.
  • Skill: Gunnery 3, Piloting 3. When Bluud is on the field, your side gains +1 to all initiative roll, cumulative with any other bonuses.
  • Infantry / Battlearmor: Skill 2