0 5 mths

Assassin Red Herring record sheet, with pilot.

Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Battle Value: 914

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 280 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
Jump Capacity: 210 meters (270 meters)
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
1 Defiance (IS) Medium X-Pulse Laser
1 Series 3 (CL) ER Small Laser
1 Delta Dart (IS) MML-3
1 Arashikage Sword
1 MARS Improved C3 Computer
Manufacturer: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown


  • Easy to pilot
  • Nimble jumper


Equipment Type Rating Mass

Internal Structure: Standard 67 points 4.00
Engine: XL Engine 280 8.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 7 (9) Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 3 LT, 3 RT 3.50
Heat Sinks: (CL) Double Heat Sink 10(23) 0.00
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Small 2.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV – 128 7.00
Armor Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 1 RA, 1 RL

                                                  Internal       Armor      
                                                  Structure      Factor     
                                            Head     3            9         
                                    Center Torso     12           16        
                             Center Torso (rear)                  5         
                                       L/R Torso     10           14        
                                L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                         L/R Arm     6            11        
                                         L/R Leg     10           19        


Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass

Improved C3 Computer HD 0 2 2.50
(CL) ER Small Laser CT 2 1 0.50
(IS) MML-3 LT 2 2 1.50
(CL) Partial Wing LT/RT – 3/3 2.00
(IS) Medium X-Pulse Laser RA 6 1 2.00
Sword LA – 3 2.00
@MML-3 (SRM) (33) LL – 1 1.00
@MML-3 (LRM) (40) LL – 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 12

BattleForce Statistics

MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 9
7/9j 2 2 1 0 2 0 Structure: 2
Special Abilities: C3I, MEL, MHQ2, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Assassin Red Herring’s Description

Assassin Red Herring was Zarana’s ‘mech when she was fighting as part of the Oberon Confederation forces, a gift from her husband-to-be who she ran away from. While she never really loved the machine, when Destro offered to rebuild it with some of the most advanced technology available to M.A.R.S., she jumped on the occasion to see just how good it could be in the right engineer’s hands.