Cobra Commander, Thomas Marik, from GI Joe, comics

Cobra Commander


Cobra Commander, The Master


Siblings: Martin, Gerald III, Therese, Duggan, Cartwright, Faith, Paul, Kristen, Janos Daughter: Isis Marik


Cobra, formerly ComStar


Evil Leader

Cobra Commander’s Biographical information

Date of birth

10 March 2990

Place of birth


Physical description


Cobra-La Hybrid





Eye color


Thomas Marik originally was a proud member of ComStar, but as his familly slowly was destroyed by plots and terrorism, he fell into despair. After being gravely injured by a bomb planted by his uncle Duncan Marik, Thomas was rescued by a Cobra-La operative, Aspenor, who transformed Thomas into a Cobra-La hybrid to save his life. In response, Thomas swore to serve the rest of his life as a member of Cobra.

Thomas Marik, Cobra Commander, in Civilian clothes

The politically savvy and military-minded Thomas rose quickly in the ranks, in no small part due to his hybrid status, and he became known as “The Master” as he moved pieces from the shadows to gain more power and one day become the new First Lord of the renewed Star League. While he is loyal to Cobra as an organization, he now sees it as HIS organization, and not the Cobra-La infiltration and destabilization outlet.

When the Clan invasion started and elements of Cobra which were infiltrated in the Clan leadership informed The Master, Thomas’s desire grew even larger and his persona changed to become Cobra Commander, the supreme commander of the massive, galaxy-wide terrorist organization, using his connections in ComStar and the Free Worlds League to extend his power base. Only the skills and dedication of the GI Joes foil Thomas Marik’s EVIL PLANS.


  • Cobra Commander pilots a special configuration of the most advanced form of the Archangel Omnimech, “The Gift”
  • Battlemech states: Gunnery 2 Piloting 2.
  • It is not public knowledge that there is a “fake” Thomas Marik and that Cobra Commander is the real Thomas Marik.