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The Baroness, Katherine Steiner, GI Joe, comics

Katherine Morgan Steiner-Davion


Baroness, Katrina Steiner


Hanse Davion (Father), Melissa Steiner (Mother), siblings: Victor, Peter, Arthur, Yvonne


Formerly Federated Commonwealth, Cobra


Terrorist, Mechwarrior

Baroness’s Biographical information

Marital status

Single, in a relationship with Destro

Date of birth

16 November 3062

Place of birth

New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth

Physical description


Cobra-La hybrid





Eye color


Baroness’s Background

The first daughter of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner, Katherine always had ambitions to rule, but rather than working towards it, she decided she would take a shortcut to it. Trying to assassinate her mother in a bomb attempt, which was foiled by the Joes and Robert Morane, Katherine Steiner-Davion had to flee the Federated Commonwealth in fear for her life. On her way to Atreus, she met with a despondent Thomas Marik, who decided to introduce her to Cobra. With a Cobra-La hybridization, Katherine was now able to change her hair color and stature enough to hide her identity when needed. Given a noble title by the Fake Thomas Marik, the new “Baroness” began serving the interests of Cobra, while also appearing at times as “Katherine Steiner-Davion”, clamoring for her innocence in the attempt on her mother’s life and playing Steiner loyalists against Davion loyalists.

Katherine Steiner, The Baroness, CGL

Katherine has been spending a lot of her time trying to seduce both Destro and Thomas Marik as a mean to grow her influence over Cobra, but she dislikes the Clan elements of their organization, especially Serpentor.


  • The Baroness pilots a Warhawk C named “Ice Queen”
  • Mech stats: Gunnery 2, Piloting 3.