Zealot, with Katana, from WildC.A.T.S.

Lady Zannah of Khera


Zealot, High Lady


WildC.A.T.S., formerly ISF


Assassin, mechwarrior

Zealot’s Biographical information

Marital status

Single (?)

Date of birth


Place of birth


Physical description







Eye color


Zealot’s Background

Lady Zannah is the leader of WildC.A.T.S. Team 0, which operates both as bodyguards for Jacob Marlowe but also as the most dangerous team of CATS for Halo Corporation. Outside of her aloof demeanor and her striking good looks, little is known about her, ComStar ROM having lost multiple operatives who tried to find out more about her. Her talents as both an assassin and bodyguard have made her invaluable to Jacob Marlowe, but there are records of “Zannah O’Khera” being part of the first colonizing of New Earth, a Zannah De Khera helping during the founding of the Federated Suns, Kera No Zana saving the life of the Kurita coordinator’s children during the Von Rohrs coup, even one of Zannah Zealots being a group of warriors fighting against the Amaris Regime. In more recent history, a Zannah negotiated with Jaime Wolf in the name of the Coordinator before saving him from an assassination attempt, while during the War of 3039, Theodore Kurita was protected by another woman named Zannah with the exact same profile.

In more recent history, Zealot has showed quite a bit of restraint when dealing with the Joes, while being absolutely ruthless when dealing with Cobra. She also seems to understand Clan-caste system and honor system rather well, and it seems that she regard the Clans as an enemy which needs to be destroyed, unlike most of Halo who ignores them. She currently seems to be in a relationship with follow C.A.T.S. operative Grifter.


  • Zannah pilots a unique battlemech called “Coda
  • Mech skills: Gunnery 0, Piloting 1
  • Battlearmor skill: Skill 0