Robert Morane, by Coria

Robert Morane


Bob, Commandant


KungsArme, Mimir, Joural “L’Eclipse”


Journalist, Aerospace Fighter pilot, Mechwarrior

Robert Morane’s Biographical information

Marital status


Date of birth

22 October 3022

Place of birth

Gunzburg, Draconis Combine / Free Rasalhague Republic

Physical description







Eye color


Robert Morane’s Background

Robert Morane is a frequent ally of the GI Joe, who General Abernathy and Duke keep trying to recruit to their ranks, but the man prefers his “quiet” life as a reporter and journalist for the independent news organization and journal “L’Eclipse”. A veteran of both the Ronin War and Clan Invasion, Morane saw his home fall to invaders more time than he would like, but keeps hope that one day the Inner Sphere will be at peace. His contacts with intelligence agencies throughout the Inner Sphere make him a valuable asset, and he always seem to be at the right place, at the right time.

While nowadays he spends most of his time as a simple journalist, Bob was a flying ace, piloting a Rapier for most of his career in the KungsArme, but he also learned to pilot BattleMechs with the help of his friend Tor Miraborg. His biggest regret is not saving Tor’s daughter, Tyra, at the battle of Radstadt.

Bob’s closest associate is the mechanic/mechwarrior WIlliam Ballantine, a former Capellan AsTech who he met and rescued from a death spiral on Galatea. The two men are often seen together having rocambolesque adventures, sometimes fighting the mysterious Mister Ming (see L’Ombre Jaune) or the terrorist criminal organization SMOG, which challenges Cobra as one of the worst criminal group in the Inner Sphere.


  • Robert Morane owns a custom Rapier aerospace fighter, equipped with Clan equipment.
  • Robert also owns a custom Wolverine 6M, “Jacqueline
  • Aerospace stats: Gunnery 2, Piloting 1
  • Battlemech stats: Gunnery 3, Piloting 3