M'aiq the Liar, Khajit troublemaker

“M’aiq the Liar is the first Khajit to see the good in the Joes. Or did this one do it simply because this one disliked Cobra and the Mar’dak Clan? M’aiq doesn’t know anymore. This one really liked Clutch and Cover Girl, they had a good smell and knew how to fish. The stripes on their vehicles reminded M’aiq of his father and his mother. M’aiq hid the Joes in his village, and the others really did no mind. When the Joes explained their plan to M’aiq, this one was quite happy to help, and direct them to the Renrijra, who shared their desire. Only a few coins were required for this, along with a good session of fishing with one Stalker. That one is quite like Khajit, maybe he was born under a Human Moon and not a Khajit Moon, but he acts like one of the sons of the moon.

M’aiq’s past? Why do you want to know about this one’s past? Well, M’aiq is born to the M’aiq of his Clan. Every Clan as a M’aiq. M’aiq keeps the Clans honest by telling them the truth when they do not want to hear it, and telling them lies when they need the truth. Cobra truly did not like many of the M’aiq. Those ones no longer have M’aiq in their Clans, and that is bad. M’aiq is a river fisherman, because this one needs coins to buy sweet moon sugar. Sometimes this one does work for the Clan, as well. Bad work, work you Joes would not always approve of, this one believes. Except maybe for the Shadow Man. That one is quiet, but that one also understands the way of the Khajit.

This one learned to fight the Cobras with the Joes, and when the Metal Giants became available to Khajit, this one was happy to learn how to pilot one. Now that Cobra no longer controls all of Elsweyr with their deception, this one is thinking that maybe he will join with the Joe, but this one is not sure yet, because he has his own M’aiq he needs to train. Is that what your Hawk lord wanted to hear, Shadow Man?”

– Interview with M’aiq the Liar for General Hawk.


  • M’Aiq the Liar captured an Ebon Jaguar from Cobra forces. As an omnimech, the Giant can be configured differently, but this one prefers Alternate Configuration B.
    • M’Aiq’s Ebon Jaguar is painted as a Tiger Force ‘mech. See rules for Tiger Force.
  • Mech skills: Gunnery 4, Piloting 4.
  • Infantry skill: Skill 3