Dreadnoks logo, GI Joe comics


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Capital World


Head of State


Ruling House


Controlled Systems


Political System

Mercenary / Pirate Company


1 regiment worth of ‘mech, vehicles and infantry.


1 Vincent-class corvette, multiple jumpships.


The Dreadnoks began as an experiment by Zartan to make his pirate organization “legitimate”, but nobody really wanted to hire his mercenary company even though his rates were “good enough” because of the reputation he had built as a pirate around Achtur. While things were about to degenerate, Cobra contacted the Dreadnoks and offered them an exclusive contract for their services. They are not the smartest, the most courageous or the most loyal, but the mercenary pirates are great at what they do: go fast, break things and cause as much trouble. Zartan generally leads his men, but he has been giving the command to his sister Zarana whenever he works directly under Cobra Commander, which has been more and more common in recent months.

In the end, the Dreadnoks serve as a “plausible deniability” asset by Cobra and M.A.R.S., which supplies them with weapons and equipment, and keeps just enough of a distance with them that the criminal actions by the mercenaries do not reflect negatively on them.

Dreadnoks Members

  • Zartan, founder and creator of the organization
  • Zarana, second in command, elder sister
  • Zandar, twin of Zarana, younger brother
  • Zanya, daughter of Zartan
  • Road Pig, Muscle for Hire
  • Buzzer, first of the three stooges, intellectual sociologist and fan of the chainsaw.
  • Ripper, second of the three stooges, who always acts first and thinks later.
  • Torch, third of the three stooges, who enjoys explosives and flames a bit too much.

Dreadnoks Battlemech