Roadblock, from GI Joe (Comic)

Marvin “Roadblock” Frank Hinton




GI Joe, AFFC, formerly LCAF


Gourmet cook, occasional mechwarrior, Staff Sergean (E-6)

Roadblock’s Biographical information

Marital status


Date of birth

04 July 3024

Place of birth

Pacifica, Lyran Commonwealth (now Federated Commonwealth)

Physical description


Human (Not an Elemental Phenotype we swear)





Eye color



Portrayed by

Terry Crews

Roadblock’s Background

You would think by seeing him that Roadblock is actually a Clan warrior serving with the Joes. His physique, honor and dedication to his task would make any Khan proud, for sure, but Marvin Hinton is actually the son of a 4 star Gourmet Cook from Pacifica, the very man who prepared the meal for Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner‘s wedding. A tough man, James Hinton thought all of his kids about how to work hard at everything they do and dedicate 100% of their attention to the task at hand, hoping that they themselves could make something of themselves. Marvin’s older brother is now chief surgeon at a prestigious University Hospital on Pacifica. His older sister is the lead reporter on the Clan front and interviewed Phelan Ward. His younger sister is primed to take over their family restaurant.

But Marvin is the one they are all proud of. Learning the ropes in his father’s kitchen, Marvin Frank Hinton jumped on the opportunity to go to Tharkad to study under some of the Archon’s Own Chef, and spent most of his late teenage years improving on techniques that would make master chef around the Inner Sphere jealous. But that wasn’t enough for him. Roadblock saw an opportunity when the LCAF offered an internship to aspiring chef to serve some of the rich and powerful Steiner generals, and he took it. While he could have become La Creme De La Creme of this elite, after a month, he was seen in the military cafeterias and mess halls, plying his trade to give the average soldier the best food they could ever dream of. That is how he joined the LCAF as a cook, and quickly began to train for all other aspects of military live.

Roadblock is never seen far from “Ma Deuce”, his “private” heavy machine gun which he inherited from a soldier while on the Rasalhague front. The weapons is reinforced and can be used as a maul when required, as well. Roadblock joined the Joes fairly early on, mostly on his talent as a chef and cook which General Hawk admired, but he soon became a reliable member of the team and a skilled Mechwarrior, to the joy of every other Joe serving with him.


  • Roadblock is both armed with Ma Deuce, and pilots a custom Zeus called “Ma Deuce“.
  • Mech skills: Gunnery 2, Piloting 3. Weapon Expert (RAC/5)
  • Battlearmor skill: Skill 3.