Greenhaven Gestapo, Rim Worlds Republic
0 3 mins 2 dys

Juan Lombello says the following, in his high-pitched voice which never fits his massive physique. Even exhausted from fighting and running, he keeps a permament macho yet irreverential smirk on his face.

Juan Antonio Lombello, Rim Worlds Republic, Greenhaven Gestapo

“I spoke with some of the middle management of the Black Warriors before they started chasing me down and trying to kill me. Their organization broke away from the Circinus Federation due to disagreement with the Word of Blake, which I normally would understand. Thing is, they remained in the region acting as “silent protectors”, trying to keep the collapsed governments from falling apart by taking protection money from them. Good old mafia racketeering, something we know well in the Greenhaven Gestapo. With that money, they opened the free port and mercenary hiring hall on Zorn’s Keep.

Apparently, things took a turn when the Black Brothers took command of the organization a few years ago. They went from “simple racketeering and managing local pirates” to trying to build a criminal empire. They pissed off Camacho’s Caballeros first, before getting into it with the Marians and the Tamarinds. The Blacks apparently want to rebuild the Federation in their image.

I don’t know what they were planning or anything, but it looks like they wanted to take Thadora’s Land first. The Vipers put a wrench in the gears, and now the Black Brothers are pissed off. They already refused to associate with us through the Burrocks, and after talking to me, they made sure we weren’t welcome here.

So let’s discuss how we are going to handle this. Are we flying back to Thadora’s Land and securing our assets there? Or should we fight the Black Warriors here on Zorn’s Keep easing the pressure on our allies?”

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