Susannah Hawker

Also known asSusannah Hell’s Horses
AffiliationClan Hell’s Horses
11th Mechanized Cavalry
Alpha Galaxy
RankStar Colonel

Susannah Hawker tries the best she can to distance herself as much as possible from the Mongol Doctrine. Even when it was all the rage amongst the Hell’s Horses, Hawker led her troops by following the traditional Clan rede and guidelines. The 11th Mechanized Cavalry under Star Colonel Hawker has a fantastic reputation in general, being assigned with specialized missions by the likes of Fulk Lassenera (internal). She also has a good reputation with her peers as an impartial judge of character.

Battle of the Butte

Susannah Hawker led her command trinary to Butte Hold in a pirate hunting expedition. Far from pirates, the Star Colonel met with an expedition of archeologists led by Joshua Snord (internal) of Snord’s Irregulars. Snord and his lead units led Susannah on a wild goose chase while they were evacuating “Clan invasion-era technology” from the planet. While Hawker could take a few shots at Snord’s Archer, neither dealt critical damage to each other.

Battle of Yorii

With the Horse’s Alpha Galaxy having won the bid to join in the trial of possession on Yorii, Hawker and her troops were mobilized in a hurry to reach the battlefield. With more limited supplies than other units because of that, the 11th Mechanized concentrated a lot of their efforts on trying to capture supply depots setup by the First Army Group, learning of the existence of the fake depots and having to track down the real ones. Carefully following orders from both Gottfried Amirault (internal) and Fulk Lassenera, Susannah started navigating the upcoming fight for leadership, and mentality, over the Clan.

The biggest claim to fame for the 11th during the Battle of Yorii was the assault on a Wolf supply distribution center, where her troops faced the 19th Wolf Striker in a face to face match. While her troops managed to capture multiple transports worth of munitions and spare parts, they suffered a crippling blow from the strike, even after Susannah managed to kill the 19th commanding officer, Joseph Lankenau.

After the Trial of Yorii, Susannah Hawker supported Peter Cobb (internal) as saKhan of the Hell’s Horses, against the majority.

Susannah Hawker’s BattleMech

Susannah Hawker piloted a Mad Dog Mk III.

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