Zackary O’Gordon

Also known asZack Attack
AffiliationGordon’s Cooks
First Galatean Defense Force
Zachary O'Gordon, Lyran Commonwealth

Inheriting the 1st Galatean Defense Force from Stafford Leifsson after the older man retired, Zackary O’Gordon has been keeping up the training regimen given to them by Hansen’s Roughrider. With a unit mainly composed of heavy and assault BattleMechs, supported by light armor elements, Zackary O’Gordon takes the defense of Galatea at heart. A former mercenary before striking an “official” contract with the Galatean League, Zack Attack has a strong dislike for the Clans.

Fighting the Falcons

After the Battle of Terra, rogue elements of Clan Jade Falcon made a bee line to Galatea in an attempt to capture the world for their Mongol Doctrine. Zack O’Gordon received advance warning of this operation from Lloyd’s Of New London, who forwarded a telegram from Alaric Ward to them. This allowed the 1st Galatean Defense Force to meet Denise Mehta’s (internal) on equal footing, holding the 2 Clusters of random Falcon warriors on the planet and severely crippling them. At the same time, the Galatean League had entered discussions with the Lyran Commonwealth to be rejoin them as a semi-independent state. As the defeated Falcons ran off the world, the Lyran diplomats arrived in a warship, destroying the remnants of Omega Galaxy.

In Service of the Archon

The 1st and 2nd Galatean Defense Force were given control of their little parcel of land by the LCAF, but Zack O’Gordon wanted to officially be integrated in the Armed Forces. Roderick Steiner (internal) interceded for the Galatean Defense force to Trillian Steiner (internal), which became an official military command within the LCAF, with a third regiment being raised to complement their task force.

Zackary O’Gordon’s Battlemech

Zackary O’Gordon pilots a Treburana.