Time period:3074 – Now
Classification:Exiled Clan
Controlled systems:4
Capital world:Charity
Ruler title:Vanguard
Military:Clan Ice Hellion touman
Secret Service:Clan Ice Hellion Watch

Clan Ice Hellion’s demise in the Inner Sphere came over 3 years, trying to take over the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, followed by their “absorption” by their ancient enemies, Clan Goliath Scorpion. Connor Rood’s betrayal of the Hellion made their integration in the Wolverine Union far simpler than expected. Having funneled many of their lower caste to a trio of worlds terraformed and reserved for them, a large group of Hellion warriors also came to the Union Outer Colonies. These warriors quickly took complete control of the colonies and imposed an even more draconian form of the Clan caste system upon the population, which surprised the Wolverines at first.

Clan Ice Hellion History

Rapid Transformation

As with anything related to the Ice Hellion, those warriors began fast transformation of their Clan into something which fit them better. Jaroslav Izotov, the “Selected Khan” converted his title into that of Vanguard. He then modified the rules for trial by combat to be replaced by various forms of racing, to reduce the damage done to the warrior caste. While military concepts were explored and changed, the caste system was also rocked by the introduction of a vatgrown population into the mix. Clan Ice Hellion already had a reputation for seeing trueborn warriors as the true peak of humanity.

When fully engineered humans were brought into the mix, many still viewed them as superior to freeborn, whatever the stigma associated with them was in the rest of the Union. While early vatgrowns were simply purchased from other groups, when the Hellions began their own production, they had their Scientist caste work on improving them into specific roles, replacing the lower castes of the clan. Tech, Merchant and Labour vatgrowns started replacing everyone at the bottom of the totem pole, with “freeborn” simply ceasing to exist altogether within the Ice Hellion. Even with pressure from the Union to accept “bloodborn” children, the second Vanguard, Romak Mezgebu, refused and had his scientist begin a general “anti-natalist” plan for the Clan.

A War is Coming

Clan Ice Hellion has a vendetta against Clan Goliath Scorpion which they never forgot, especially the betrayal of their last “Khan”. With the promise of a “future war” against the Clan Homeworlds, the Ice Hellion focused their entire industry in getting ready to wipe the Goliath Scorpions out. Unlike most of the other exiled Clans who did build some form of civilian structure around their touman, the Ice Hellion went hard on traditional Clan ideology and went to the “raw word” of Kerensky. Many Hellion warriors signed on Burrock ships for an opportunity to strike at the Escorpion Imperio in pirate raids before returning with experience to teach other warriors.

When the call to action was given by the Wolverines and Republic, the Ice Hellion pledged their entire military to strike out against their hated foe, even though the first operations were meant to be simply exploratory. To tamper their zeal, the Republic secretly let the Burrock “win” a secondary bid for the strikes against the Imperio.


The last 2 full generation of Ice Hellion are “sexless” androgynous beings similar to basic vatgrown. Seeing this as the end goal of Kerensky’s vision, they take great pride in this, even though it alters some concepts like giftakes and codexes a bit. While the caste system had become more flexible within the Clans after the “expulsion” of the Wolverines, within the new Ice Hellion, it is absolutely sacrosanct. One does not rise above their station, which is decided at birth through the Iron Wombs. Nobody “outside” of the Clan can join it, the Ice Hellion having reneged on the concept of bondsman as well. Prisoners and other people of value are traded to other members of the Union for more resources instead.

With the lack of “civilian” population, the Ice Hellions have not created an actual economy, adopting the Republican Dinar instead of minting their own currency. They were heavily affected as well when the quasar changed, having not built a strong farming or food production infrastructure.

Trials of Position

Having converted all trials to races, the Blooding of new warriors is done quite differently in the new Clan Ice Hellion. A race is setup between all members of the sibko, with the winner gaining the rank of Star Captain. The next 3 warriors gain the rank of Star Commanders, while any trainee who finish the race are granted a position in the warrior caste. Any DNF leads to being sent down to the lower castes. Many prefer death in the race to being declassed, leading to tragic (or fantastic) accidents.


Focusing on speedy strikes, the Ice Hellion touman has been hard at work designing more Rapid Insertion Crafts for their military, smaller drop vehicles capable of carrying single ‘mech and elementals to the field quickly. This is combined with a preponderance to use smaller DropShip to begin with to increase tactical flexibility. The discovery of the Argo-class was studied increase deployment potential by the Hellions.

Rapid deployment and strikes being paramount, regular armored vehicles have been pretty much phased out of Clan Ice Hellion, except for hovercrafts and VTOL. ‘Mech forces are generally kept on the small side, with formations generally being built around a single, fast heavy surrounded by light ‘Mech and mediums. Assault ‘Mechs are generally shunned, outside of special forces units. Facilities have been producing large numbers of Hellion, Ice Ferrets, stolen designs of Black Lanner as primary OmniMechs, with a new, omni version of the Piranha starting production in 3141.

Clan Ice Hellion has not been investing a lot in their navy, purchasing a single Essex Block III from the Steel Vipers. They did keep 2 ships from before, the Hellion’s Pride and the Radiant. They have started building large number of smaller jumpships for rapid deployment instead.

Adut Bragg, Clan Ice Hellion

Current National Data

Ice Hellion Demographics
Affiliation: Exiled Clan
Population (Clan Space): 630 millions (3153) (counting vatgrown)
Population growth rate: 6.3 percent
Self-Sufficiency Index: 72 percent and dropping (food shortages)

Vanguard: Adut Bragg
Viceguard: Lori Tany
Loremaster: Gerra Hasbrin
Clusters: 24 (6 Galaxies)
WarShips: 3 (1 Essex Block III, Hellion’s Pride Fredasa-class, Radiant Lola III-class)

Controlled worlds:

Outer Rim: Charity, Serenity (WU), Generosity

Supply depot near Escorpio Space: Badlands (WU)

Currency: Republican Dinar